[TR] Edgegamers (EGO) Outfit

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by ZeakDK, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Tumblin

  2. Tumblin

  3. Borokov

    I joined eGO and never regretted !
    you ought to join EdgeGamers!
    Register and Apply here: www.edge-gamers.com
    We're very organized, we support other gamers.
    Ventrilo: voice.edge-gamers.com Port: 29272

    Add me on steam: borokov45
  4. Serran

    Rocket Bumps!
  5. Serran

  6. Serran

    bump bump
  7. Borokov

  8. Borokov

  9. Whethers

    Super Bump
  10. Borokov

  11. Borokov

    Bump dis!
  12. German98

    Do we just fill out the Application and then immediately join the outfit, or is there a recruitment process?
  13. serenekaos

    I'd rather squad up with you guys for a night before I decide I want to try applying if at all possible.
  14. Tumblin

    Messages sent.
  15. Tumblin

  16. Borokov

    Bump da Bump!
  17. Marmot9

    Ventrilo: voice.edge-gamers.com Port: 29272
  18. Borokov

  19. Borokov

  20. Borokov