[TR] BRTD combined forces team play

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by BigAl, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Dotz0r

    sharpe been teamkilling again?
  2. dnaRIP

  3. Bennybones

    I don't know who these BRTD fellas are, but I'm pretty sure you should join.
  4. Dotz0r

    o look its that stalker guy, quickly! hide the children!

    *ushers yami into the cellar*

  5. YamiNoTenshi

    Uncle Dotz, why is the cellar full of chains and old stained mattresses?
  6. Bennybones

    Because some people ask too many questions.
  7. Dotz0r

    first rule of super cellar fun club.

    Don't talk about super cellar fun club.
  8. huller

  9. YamiNoTenshi

    Takes one to know one.
  10. BNuts

    Big fun game time playing with us!
  11. Scudmungus

    I thought it was, 'No smoking' ?
  12. YamiNoTenshi

    That's the second rule, but it's actually 'Don't smoke your own meat'.
  13. Scudmungus

  14. huller


    Also it is my birthday, I demand flare guns and 'splosions in the warpgate.
  15. YamiNoTenshi

    I already gave you a splosion, look on your pillow ;)
  16. huller

    look inside your standard issue goggles
  17. YamiNoTenshi

    I don't wear goggles with my Commissar cap.
  18. YamiNoTenshi

    Am I the only one left? Noone to bump into?
  19. Dotz0r




    a**hole! *shakes stick at yami*
  20. YamiNoTenshi

    Get your uglystick away from me! I've seen what it did when you hit huller in the face with it!