Thnx Soe, for uncalled Fury nerf and no new content in gu12. We feel your love.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PS2Freak, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. PS2Freak

    its like huller in other fury vs maradeur thread said - " I bet you 20 smedbux this is one of those threads about "they nerfed my toy, why not theirs?" Such as "dey nerfed mah scatmax, why not mercies?""
  2. WaaWaa

    It's not live yet, so how can we know if it's as bad as the stats say it is? Just wondering maybe play with it live first then come back here and report on it's current state. Don't be prejudicial. This is coming from an experienced harasser driver that loves the Fury too.
  3. MarlboroMan-E

    Holy **** noobs, they annouced the Fury nerf MONTHS ago, they actually delayed it because it went on sale the day before it was intended to be nerfed. GU 8 or 9, I think. ******* whiners.
    • Up x 2
  4. SifuBob

    I agree with the fury nerf, was too good. If that means the NC (and sorta VS) don't have an AI gun they find good for harasser now then their ES ones may need looking at, but as a NS weapon Fury kicked the other launchers ****, and i think this nerf is a long time coming. I also like the no deploy thingie, the extra loadout slots (being a member) and maybe even some other stuff in there too. i'll wait and see.
  5. WaaWaa

    Yea but a fury nerf was a nerf to the NC primarily (getting tired of nerf after nerf every single patch very annoying). VS and TR have great anti-vehicular capabilites (Lancers/Strykers) and their nests (groups of people in hilltops or behind large rock formations) decimated most armor, and the Harasser on the Fury was the ONE thing the NC had on the ground that could clear that out. Now the TR and VS will have a free reign again out in the open.

    That statement is based on the nerf on paper, once I get to test it out live we'll see if it's true.

    P.S. Don't forget everytime something gets nerfed into oblivion, that's 1000's upon 1000's of certs that are gone to waste. Is that how we reward people for putting time into the game by making them grind for a different gun every single patch? To answer that question, it appears that is the case, and that is not conducive to player retention.
  6. freeze

    we must have a weapon, I haven't found yet...
    pls enlighten me
  7. WaaWaa

    Re-read the post it's there.
  8. Badname0192


    I think is what they are calling content.

    Not sure what to call it myself, but then again I do dislike the fury nerf as there is really no other thing that can put out the damage against Armor other than Basalisks now and don't tell me those slowfiring Bulldog is going ot stop the Vanguard or side sliding Magrider from tearing a Sunderer a new one either.

    Wonder how many certs I have to dump into a Basalisk to make it worth while.. .

    Very weak update SOE. But I personally don't mind the furry nerf to much as I already maxed my marauder in anticipation to this change.
  10. WaaWaa

    Yup, and then that will get nerfed and that will be 1000's of certs down the drain. It's a very disappointing pattern.
  11. PS2Freak

    you saw how they made loadouts ?

    its pure mess now , you get

    1 2 3
    ^ user standart

    - 4 5 6 -

    ^ members

    7 8 9 10

    ^additional user

    where it should be , from my pov

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    ^user loadouts

    - 8 9 10
    - members...

    such small detail, but rather big impact on Ergonomie for non subscriber - user.
    • Up x 1
  12. St0mpy

    I dont understand it either, why restrict the very system that sells more weapons? Perhaps theyll wake up and smell the coffee one day.

    Its not likely to be a lot either, extra character slots are 1000SC so maybe 500SC per loadout? (guess)

    EDIT: Servers are up, its 500SC which is stupid, for the reasons above. Since it applies to weapons as well as vehicles basically they are putting a 500SC barrier in front of someone buying perhaps an extra weapon for each, meaning potentially 6x class weapon sales and 8x vehicle weapon sales (not counting vehicles with 2 weapon slots) all held up by 500SC.

    Insanity. Whoever works in their marketing department needs firing for a clumsy idea such as this.
  13. WaaWaa

    Who uses loadouts in a game where it takes 5 seconds or so to make it on the go? Not really an issue. And now it saves your favorite add-ons to your most used weapons. Not really worth crying a river over.
  14. PS2Freak

    [ tinfoil-hat on ]

    maybe soe inflates gu numbers on purpose (you know, like firefox....) Gu 214 reads nicer then gu 15. we work hard...

    (on pushing content further back to unscheduled ;)


    [ tinfoil-hat off ]
  15. WaaWaa

    At least you're still here. We need people to farm!
  16. Spartan3123

    Fk of with the fury nerf its a close range weapon it NEEDS to be 1hk so TR still have the murader and vanu has great AI weapons NC is ******.

    This is all because the ******** flash WHY DOES SOE have to NERF all weapons on all platforms.... reduce the accuracy of the flash fury or something
  17. WaaWaa

    I agree the Fury nerf (if it indeed is a real big nerf) is a nerf to the NC primarily. We'll see how bad it is live. U lift bro?
  18. Horadicat

  19. Nocturnal7x

    I think they should fix the harasser armor first, maybe if infantry had a chance against them, they are too fast and have way too much armor. Its a joke.
  20. Czuuk

    your opinion has been noted