This Noob Loves PlanetSide!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrSniffles, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. Roland2TowerCame

  2. Modern Ancestor

    Welcome to Planetside i do hope you will have good entertainment with it like i have for years. Do not let KDR dictate playing do what is fun.

    Im sure that whatever server you play you can find people that will offer good advice and tips as you go. Unfortunattely you will find those people that are downright morons.

    Consider joining a good outfit shared fun can be even bigger fun. Best of luck to you on battlefield and enjoy.
  3. gualty

    Welcome to PS2.
    This is the only game avaiable that allow you to experience stuff like the onein the video.

    While Titanfall struggle to offer 6 vs 6 battles in tiny maps, we can play the first 30 mins of "saving private ryan" in a futuristic fashion every time we want with some hundred squared kilometers of maps without any loading time.

    This game has some flaws and bugs, but what it gives in return is still unmatched in the gaming market today.

    Long life PS2!
  4. Tenebrae Aeterna

    For someone new, you did exceptionally well. With that said, while reloading your weapon...try to duck behind some cover so that your inability to return fire isn't exploited by an enemy. Also, try to learn the range of your healing tool; it seemed you were having a little trouble with that and the game is a little screwy when it comes to interactions with the tools, terminals, etc. Either way, try to get a better feel for that tool and learn to move within the proximity rather than remain stationary.

    As a Combat Medic, you're a lucrative target for snipers...and if you remain stationary while healing you're going to find your head taken off quite often if we have a direct line of sight. When you do a little dancing while healing, it increases the difficulty of getting that headshot considerably and will make your life a much more pleasurable one. Same goes for when you're just traversing terrain in general, the more chaotic you make your movements...the more difficult it is for the enemy, Infiltrators and everyone else combined, to nail you.

    I'm sure everyone else will provide you with better feedback than I, but welcome to the game!
  5. Aegie

    What are your thoughts on the kill cam? Do you think that helps player retention?
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  6. libbmaster

    I don't think I've ever been in a battle that epic across those bridges before, I know I've never been in one where the sunlight was just so cinematic.

    That battle right there is why people play planetside. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Keep at it solider!

    Pro tip: do a little dance while you while you revive people, it helps you avoid snipers.

    Also, as medic, pressing F allows you to heal yourself/everyone around you.
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  7. libbmaster

    For the love of Vanu, Tuco.

    This isn't even funny anymore, it's just spamming.
  8. Tuco

    does look like that with everyone bunched into one spot.
  9. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Kill Map, artificial situational awareness, the indication of the mini-map that directs you towards your murderer.

    We need to specify these things when making those inquiries. :p
  10. Aegie

    I suppose, though, if the person does not even know what I am talking about then I would say that is good evidence that it was not a factor in the like/dislike of the game and thereby retention.
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  11. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Touché good sir.
  12. Bruno Puntz Jones

    As with many F2P games, the rate of leveling on a free account with no cash spend is deliberately scaled to encourage the sale of memberships and boosts. With a membership it feels just reasonably good. With a membership + boost you will be buried in certs even if you're not doing that well.

    Keep in mind that support classes are some of the top XP earners, especially if you are struggling with surviving gun battles and getting kills. It takes a long time to get good enough compared to very experienced players that you can kill more than you get killed and really make a lot of steady XP from combat alone.

    But as an engineer you can slap down an ammo pack behind some cover where a lot of allies are and just watch the XP roll in as your allies get refilled. MAX units and rocket spamming heavies are your best "customers," so follow them everywhere they go. Upgrade your ammo pack along with your rep tool, because it will keep giving you XP as long as it lasts, even when you're dead and respawning.

    You also get lots of XP for repping MAX units and tanks that are around you. Drop ammo everywhere you go, and rep everything in sight whenever you can.

    And as a medic you also can pick up tons of XP from healing and rezzing teammates.

    When you're very new, dumping all your certs into fully upgrading your engineer and medic tools is the best investment you can make for making certs (while also making an actual contribution to your team).
  13. Aegie

    You're probably right though, in all honesty I would like to hear the genuine thoughts they have on the addition and whether they feel it accomplishes its intentions.
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  14. a4555in

    Man that video made me feel nostalgic..I was as awed as you when I started:rolleyes:
    Whichever class/vehicle you are using, unlock all the 1cert upgrades, they will help a lot. Generally, the cheaper something is, the more value it has per cert.
  15. Vixxing

    Get a br100 or something with well certed vehicles to gun, makes you earn a lot faster and gives you experience on how to play different vehicle roles... Would be good if you had a friend that is both a skilled lib pilot/MBT driver, but as a TR you have to be glad if you can find one that is skilled enough to operate a lock on missile... ;)
  16. kadney

    Lol. That dead guy on the middle of the bridge at 2:40.
    "Can I revive him without moving more than 2 meters?" - "No? Bye then." :rolleyes:
  17. IamDH


    Seriously tho, im happy you enjoy the game. Goodbye self-proclaimed noob :)
  18. DrunkenDoughnuts

    Welcome to PS2! I see you're on Waterson so hopefully I'll get to shoot you in the face many times. :)
  19. Tommyp2006

    Welcome to Planetside. Seeing how you're on Waterson, feel free to send me a /tell in game if you need any tips or help with something.
  20. Bonom Denej

    Welcome ;)
    I just realized I've been playing for 6 months now, and I still feel like a noob sometimes !