[Suggestion] This game needs kill streaks.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leo Di Caprio, May 30, 2013.

  1. Leo Di Caprio

    Imagine if we could like spawn galaxies after 10 kills but GET THIS, on TOP of the ability to spawn one.
  2. Leo Di Caprio

    Bumping to discuss this crucial thread.
  3. Nathaniak

    Hah. Funny.
  4. PhiladelphiaCollins

    This is why the Academy never gives you an Oscar.
  5. Leo Di Caprio

    What's so funny, what is wrong with the idea?

    This game could use kill streaks.
  6. Nathaniak

    Why? Killstreaks penalise players who play support roles, and so get fewer kills. If I'm driving a tank, and all the engineers are trying to get killstreaks instead of repairing my tank, then I'll be pretty annoyed.
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  7. Cirevam

    The game already has kill streaks. :confused:

    Wait a minute.

    You got me. I had started writing a response; I was taken in by your post, but I knew of your plan and I stopped myself. Not bad, Leo...
  8. Leo Di Caprio

    Hey, exp for everyone is my motto, why not a kill streak like (GET THIS) BASED off resurrections OR ammo reloads.

    Eh? what do you think.
  9. Leo Di Caprio

    We can call the support streaks.
  10. Nathaniak

    Ok. I'm against the idea, but let's try to have a reasonable discussion. What kind of things would you have? In my opinion, it can't be a straight power upgrade (e.g. more damage) because that makes the game a bit more unfair. Calling in a Gal, as you suggested, wouldn't be very useful, as there'd be nobody in it - it's a lot easier to load up when you're not under fire.

    One thing that could work would be to have a 'killstreak ribbon' that was rewarded like other ribbons, but unlocked when a player achieves a set number of kills on one life (e.g. 5, 10, 15...). This gives a reward (XP) but does not directly imbalance the game.

    My main problem, however, is that this game is not balanced 1v1, but empirevempire. As such, the players gunning for a Liberator will get higher killstreaks than the players shooting on the ground. In CoD, which is much more balanced 1v1, killstreaks make more sense, as your number of kills is more tied to skill. In PS2, however, this best infantry player in the game can much more easily be taken out by a stray tank round or ESF strike, making killstreaks meaningless.

    Also, if you want to say something just after a post, click 'edit' - it means that you can avoid double-posting, which looks bad. Tip for the future! :)
  11. Meeka

    Because in this game kill streaks are far too easy to get?

    Go to place where enemy is zerging... wait to see what their next target will be. Drop mines, C4, and other deadly items... wait for zerg. Boom. Killstreak achieved without ever seeing combat.
  12. ItsJustDash

  13. IamDH

    I want killstreaks but spawning a galaxy doesnt seem like something i'd want
    The problem about killstreaks is that there are loads of players playing and alot of people will get these
    It has to be something beneficial but not too strong
    Maybe orbital strikes could fit in this category?
    The call of duty streaks are epic i think we should get a mini tank or a mini helicopter to fly
  14. MrForz

    Killstreaks. For the love of God someone rip this guy's vital organs out.
  15. treeHamster

    ...This isn't Call of Doody.

    If you mean you want the game to scream at you "MA MA MA MA MA MONSTER KILL...kill kill kill!!" (remember UT?) then sure why not? If you're asking for a reward other than being told your kill count for that single life, go play CoD.
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  16. KlyptoK

    I think each kill should extend my Vanguard shield by a second and that HE should be buffed to twice as what it use to be.

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  17. doombro

    no, no it couldn't. Please go.

    As a guy who played CoD since CoD1; killstreaks were a terrible idea from day 1 in CoD4. Modern warfare 2 was the final nail in the coffin.

    I'm just happy that the concept is finally starting to die. Please don't bring it back.
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  18. Gisgo

    We do have killstreaks :confused: just kill more people.
  19. Macchus

    hmmm i like it ... but could the killstreak galaxy spawn smaller galaxie's perhaps ?
  20. Sharpe

    Dont feed the troll fellas... Just take a look at OP's post history :p