[Suggestion] The Week is nearly over, where is the update?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by aureliustratos, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. aureliustratos

    Hey folks,
    I am not the posting guy. I do not want to complain aboout this balance change or that balance change.
    I have a strong machine , so most of the optimizing stuff isnt affecting me that much.

    In my point of view the game is stable and smooth and pretty.
    and hell, it is pretty.
    Even without all the tracers at night. (like in beta)

    I love planetside 2, believe me, i do.
    I am a subscriber. i baught weapons, camos and helmets. Even boosts and such.

    But to be honest:
    how can it be possible that the stuff, that defines what Planetside is, is so horribly disregarded.

    I understand the maoning about all the redeployside.
    and that the ppl do not want to sit in a vehicle for more than two or three minutes in a row to reach any battle.
    And in fact: this isnt the ARMA series. so do not expect the heavy simulator stuff. it is not intended to be that way.

    Please beloved DEVS, give us more toys to play with. AND more importantly give us some more reasons to play with the toys.

    Forget K/D ratio.
    even the directives are destroying any metagame. in my opinion.

    Planetside IS the most advanvanced MMOFPS out there.
    But we need more stuff, not more cosmetics, and NOT MORE unmatched expactations of possible features....