The VS got no recoil or bulletfall???

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shadownium, May 25, 2014.

  1. Prudentia

    It's 150 Bullets at 167 damage... and you care about accuracy? o_O
    but it is fairly accurate with a harsh but managable recoil.
  2. Pat22

    If the guy I'm fighting can land four shots in my head before I can land four on his, I'm dead and all those 146 other shots don't matter one bit.
  3. Prudentia

    If you have Trouble winning firefights you should take the Orion, make 1-2 kills and die. but from your statement about your usage of the Polaris i figured you are capable of surviving multiple encounters.
    IMO the Flare has the best recoil in the game, because it's instant. with other weapons i often feel like the recoil and the bullet are done in different frames, making the flare a truly enjoyable experience.
  4. Pat22

    I'll give it a try, like I said.
    also when I said mowing down a whole squad before reloading, I was referring to the Polaris' magazine size moreso than my ability to be a badass and mow down an entire squad.

    I mean, I'm confident in my FPS capabilities, just not to the point where I'd go around saying that I can reliably mow down twelve people in one clip without dying.
  5. Prudentia

    well, than you might even try the Flare w/ foregrip, it has a faster TTK than the Polaris and due to the higher damage tier about equal kills per mag.
    it also sounds cool (haven't fired the Polaris yet after the sound change a year ago so can't compare lol)