The State Of The Sovereignty

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Myka, May 1, 2013.

  1. Myka

    I've got some good numbers regarding VS tank balancing from an alliance buddy, so expect another long balance post soon!
  2. bodmans

    any news after GU9?
  3. Myka

    News? If you mean regarding the Magrider numbers, they are here:

    As for everything else, well. As a VS player since beta, today is the first day I've seriously considered moving to another faction.

    The Saron changes are... unpleasant. It was never shown on the test server (because they knew full well what the reaction would be). These changes turn it into a completely different weapon and leave the Magrider even more useless at range - which was its only strong point. Now it's just bad at all ranges.

    ZOE is worse than useless. A tiny damage increase, a small movement speed buff, and significantly more damage taken. If it's only one less bullet TTK at level 5, what do the other levels do? There are no fractional bullets in this game, so it's either only useful with one level, or only useful at max level. Anything else is just a waste of certs, depending on where the damage buff becomes noticeable.

    Yet again the VS get **** on. I'm so disheartened today I can barely play; my outfit's morale just dropped through the roof. Nobody wants to play VS anymore when we get **** on with every patch. I can't believe what they've done to us. I am sick to my back teeth.
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  4. Bill Hicks

    Stats say otherwise. VS are the best scoring faction.
  5. Nogrim313

    honestly i like the changes, the saron was a pigeon holed gun all that changed was now we have the damage spread out

    it does less per shot but now fires a lot faster and lost the firing delay, aim is easy instead of compensating for the delay its now the delay before refiring

    the bloom could be toned down quite a bit but im guessing they starteted big to see how it worked in real scenarios the TTK is the same and if you get up and close and spam its a bit faster

    now its actually useful versus infantry (not great but useful) loosing the sniping sucks but the delay before meant it only worked versus unaware infantry anyway

    the PPA change, well its a start its now just a bigger slower lasher basically the armor damage is still pretty weak but it is an AI weapon and the splash is nice

    ZOE is fun and worth the first rank, but i see no point in going beyond that, the damage buff is useless 1 less bullet to kill isnt very useful, an accuracy or RoF buff could remain small and actually be useful
  6. Myka

    Yeah, I have to admit, I'm coming round to the idea of ZOE. The agility provides more of a tactical advantage than I first imagined, and while the damage increase is still lacklustre at best, it's not a worthless ability as it first appeared to be. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong - happy to admit it ;)

    As for the Saron, I don't know. I feel that the new Saron should have been a separate variant. I would have liked to have seen the delay removed and the same projectile speed the new Saron has applied to the old one - then it would perform the same role we're used to using it in. The new one is good, but the COF at full-auto needs some tweaking. It suits the Harasser very well, but I think the old variant suited the Magrider better.

    Edit - oh, and I've not tried the new PPA yet, but I did buy one for my Harasser, so when I've tried it, I'll let you know :)
  7. Nogrim313

    can't really argue with you
    the new saron is a whole new beast (more versatile but not nearly the same type of weapon as it was) splitting them might have been a good idea but the reduction to spread in the hotfix seems to have vastly improved the problems i had with it the bloom isnt quite as ridiculous and the switch to semi means your not accidentally going full auto an wasting ammo on its silly spray.

    i think the new saron might be a bit over the top for the harasser, but i havent bought it for that yet so tough to test on live othe than VR
  8. Talon427

    The HRB in beta was a crushing weapon and even for the first set of patches it was still the best secondary weapon you could mount on the Mag. With a lot of practice you could snipe just about anything that moved. I do believe though that they should have had the two different modes for the gun. one slow heavy hitting and the other the faster more all around mode they have now. I do hope that they bring the Mags speed up some and the strafing speed what it used to be. It's hard to say we have the most agile tank when it has been nerfed strafing wise that the mark three revile chassis is slower then the mark two used to be.
  9. cwcriner

    ZOE op. Seriously, that speed boost is INSANE.