The PS2 Camo Preview Project

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HLM, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Erakyu

    Amazing bumpity bump. Also, check this thread out and ask to have permission for a whole buttload of camo pics :)
  2. Liquid23

    very nice work... I find it very encouraging that at least someone is doing something useful around here instead of just making biased and pointless QQ threads
    • Up x 1
  3. HLM

    Just a functionality update this time. Sorry, no actual new camos..but look at all these new improved features!

    - Armour selection now reworked and completely functional. Can now select combinations of armour and helmets.
    - Whether camos are greyed-out or not depends on the current selected faction. i.e you now only see the camos available to the selected faction.
    - Currently selected camo highlighted in the list.

    Combat Medic (TR) Composite Armour
    Engineer (TR) Composite Armour, Composite Helmet, Skull Helmet

    Go to PS2 Preview Project

    More camos will be coming soon, I promise!
  4. Saints-Waterson

    This is amazing, thank you, and keep up the good work!
  5. aBaDmAn91

    I gonna have to follow this thread :) I really miss this ingame, I wanna see the camo before I buy it.
  6. xNPCx

    They really should have this functionality in-game as part of the preview.

    Thanks HLM for you hard work.
  7. HLM


    -Added Composite Helmet for Heavy Assault and Composite Armour and Skull Helmet for MAX (TR)

    Combat Medic (TR) Composite Armour
    Engineer (TR) Composite Armour, Composite Helmet, Skull Helmet
    Heavy Assault (TR) Composite Helmet
    MAX (TR) Composite Armour, Skull Helmet
  8. HLM

    Done some more functionality updates today, and finally added a new camo! (Desert Scrub V1 and V2)

    - Alpha Squad (All)
    - California Scrub (TR)
    - Desert Scrub V1 (VS, front pose only, TR, Medic only)
    - Desert Scrub V2 (VS, front pose only, TR)
    - Digital (VS, front pose only)
    - Forest Greyscale (TR)
    - Northern Forest (VS, Heavy Assault only, front pose only)
    - Zebra (TR)

    - Faction-specific camo icons (Alpha Squad, Digital etc) are now coloured according to the currently selected faction
    - Expanded on the greyed-out camo icon feature - Now also looks at the currently selected class as well as faction.
  9. ZombieBunny

    This is amazing, dont understand why there isnt a preview of camo ingame. Madness.
  10. centurionvi

    So they can squeeze fitty cents out of you for the one use skins. Duh.
  11. Brusilov

    Very nice work. Keep it up :
  12. Donahew

    This will help so much thank you
  13. Nyctalgia

    Awesome work dude! I'm adding all the VS composite armors, all the engineer camos, and some different camos for all the other classes. ;)
  14. HLM

    I look forward to adding more screenshots! (even if they are VS..)
    Since all of your screenshots seem to be of the Engineer, I might add some kind of indicator next to each class icon to show how many camos are available for that class, otherwise all your screenshots could easily go unnoticed.

    Yeah, I felt a bit jipped after trying out a single-use camo for the first time, to see how it would work.
    I thought I may have at least had the option to see how it looked on a class before hitting Ok (and giving me the chance to take lots of screenshots), but no..

    At least it turned out to be a camo that I liked and will likely buy completely, but that's still a waste of 50SC.

    Once this Triple Station Cash day comes, I'm going to be buying up lots more camos/armours, so we'll see a big update to the project shortly after.
  15. XRIST0

  16. Kroktar

    this is AWESOMEEE Please consider to do the same to vehicles when done

    THanks you!
  17. HLM


    Added Composite Armour & Apex Helmet for VS Engineer in Digial camo (all poses)
    - Thanks to 7Skiv
  18. GunEcstasy

    What they need is a camo that instead of changing YOUR skin, changes EVERYONE ELSE'S skin, so you can maybe actually tell who you are and aren't supposed to shoot at!

    No need to pay me, developers. I came up with this idea after about 3 seconds of playing your impossible-to-tell-different-colors game.
  19. lMABl

    Very cool, this is exactly the thing I was looking for as I'm sure many others are. Keep up the great work!
  20. IshanDeston

    Would be nice if you could add Vehicles. Otherwise, great job and idea.

    Would be even cooler if someone of SOEs Team would actually take the time and supply those screenshots, instead of forcing us to spend money without a preview option.

    I am sure there has to be some apprentice or some child in the whole team that wants to make 10 bucks by sitting down and take those screenshots to upload them for people.