the number one problem with the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by darave, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. darave

    communication there is little to no ablity to communicate makeing it near impossable to cordinate anything.

    shove your voice were the sun doesnt shine were it belongs. If i want to hear little kids cussing all day I would't have quit my job teaching.

    Improve the ablity to talk to people to cordinate things.

    Also a way to shut down spawn tubes in lost bases. To help convice the kids being spawn camped to give up and move to next base were they actualy have a chance to defend it.
  2. Rager

    Out of all the things, you picked this? You must play NC..cause TR we communicate just fine.
  3. iGamer1990

    we communicate on whole chat on VS or just follow the leader
  4. Vivianite

    hit q, communicate instantly, i don't see the problem here. I will say though the context menu for "offer X" x of course being whatever that unit needs definitely needs some working on. I ended up sending random friend invites when I wanted to offer someone a repair in a MAX because of it.
  5. Karnehan

    Hm, I don't seem to be having this issue. Dedicated outfit leaders on my server all have access to the [Leader] channel for coordinating faction-wide ops, and players communicate through chat via region, PM, or yell. Not to mention VOIP.