The New Player experience per the Cryaotic Stream: "It's fun when you're not getting **** on."

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fortress, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. DeusExForever

    I loved the Metro meatgrinder map in BF3, and that's the map I had for the 64man server. Hellfire 24/7 on the smallest map in the game. Could not have enough grenades and rockets (just like defending a Titan cores and consoles in BF2142!).

    But it was all infantry. No vehicle zergs.

    And it didn't take 6 read direct hits to even a Sunderer to destroy it ... and having no armor to even have 6 rockets (since few even lay down ammo to destroy the vehicle).

    SOE needs to have an interior map location that has to be maintained for efficiency (like a major power plant or gold mine), so infantry types can enjoy themselves with 1v1 to 64vs64... not playing another vehicle heavy map or instance (after WoW's WotLK, and battlegrounds, I don't want to play with vehicles again. Too much of it got tiring after 6 years!).
  2. kirinohana

    I could not agree more with this. It frankly stupid.
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  3. Govedo13

    Summing up the topic:
    Infantryside whiners nothing to see here.
    You are dump enough to ignore that the experienced players invested tons of certs,SC and hours in their vehicles BEFORE they killed you.
    You are also dump enough to confess that if we switch the positions and give new player uncerted vehicle he would certainly die vs single experienced infantryman.

    Biolab. Infantry only - in the game since beta.

    If you want to play INFANTRY FPS go play BF or CoD, it is COMBINED ARMS game not FPS.
    If you want to fix the game reduce infantry kills by vehicles XP by 50% and remove all of KD ratios statistics and stuff so the FPS players that care about their stats can go to play FPS games.
  4. Gheeta

    I have invested ton of certs to vehicles, that doesn't mean i should be allowed to mindlessly farm infantry running out from spawn rooms.

    'Combined arms' does not equal spamming spawn rooms with HE rounds or PPA. I mean do you really thing that is fun for anyone? All they need to do is to provide alternative route to the capture point which can not be shut down by vehicles sitting on a faraway hill or hovering over spawn room with a bulldog galaxy.
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  5. Xasapis

    Most people lose their vehicles 2 minutes after they pull them. It's more complicated that adding certs to them. It's knowing when to pull them, from where, where to place them, what to avoid while doing so.

    Certs in this occasion are overrated. I can bet that an experienced pilot/tanker etc with a zero certs vehicle can defeat any new player with a fully certed one.

    An experienced player would also know when running from spawn to A while being surrounded by armor won't work, while pulling half a dozen vehicles from the next base in line and start hunting for that sunderer would. Also, while I don't enjoy dying from vehicle fire myself, vehicles do need to provide some form of support to the advancing troops.
  6. Bape

    Had to remove my amazing resource change because Rhino believe it was stupid even though he was really jelly of it instead.

    Change the tutorial. Tutorial must be completed for the new player to enter and play with players

    Kill 10 VS in VR
    Kill 10 TR in VR
    Destroy 5 tanks in VR
    Destroy ESF with AA/lock ons etc
    Drive tank to this destination to another destination
    ESF learn how to hover land etc
    Learn to throw grenades
    Learn to spot enemies
    Learn how to heal/repair drop ammo
    Learn how to take a base
    Class - use this ability

    boom new player knows wtf he is doing.
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  7. DJStacy


    Sure help them understand what not to do more with better tutorials, and stop the OHK dumpfires which are most peoples primary weapon in a base instead of their actual rifles. But dont make PS2 a game for youngsters and dummies.
  8. RHINO_Mk.II

    Sorry, what? With these costs, it will take more nanites to destroy most vehicles than it does to purchase them, even if they aren't repaired at all. This is a terrible idea.
  9. Bape

    You jelly because I thought of it first and you didn't hater :rolleyes:.
  10. Kunavi

    PS2 advertised as ARMA clone...? With the cluster **** going on? With things as they are? With all the KD autism(Which I as well have contracted after being relentlessly farmed trying to play normally for A YEAR)? With MLG? Really? ARMA? Tactical? REALLY? ARMA?! I enjoy playing my FPS on NIGHTMARE difficulty or some equivalent. I enjoy grinding my face on the screen. You name it, getting all Achievements in PainKiller? In NecroVision? I eat FPS. I like it hard. PS2 is not hard, it's crap. There's just nothing out there yet BUT even so I'm seriously considering leaving it and I'm a persistent fool when I want to, UO for more than a DECADE of being farmed by SpeedHax and scripts. Until I made it to my Server's top PVPers list. :) So I understand it's all subjective and POV based but REALLY YOU COMPARE PS2 TO ARMA? RAINBOW SIX?.... What contribution? The only contribution you offer is increasing C4 Fairies' KD.
  11. Xasapis

    Well, you'll always need to take into account the new people that will pull a vehicle (usually ESF) and lose it in the next 2 minutes. Under your suggestion, they'll be able to pull vehicles roughly every 30 minutes. Do you think it is acceptable?
  12. Bape

    Yes like I said best Idea ever. I did remove my amazing resource idea because it made the rhino mad.
  13. Gheeta

    I agree, certs are overrated, i was referring to the quoted post there.

    I also agree that vehicles need the ability to provide support, but providing support and farming spawn rooms are two different thing at least in my opinion.

    Ideally i would like to see at least one route to the capture point which can't be shut down by vehicles in each base but additional routes which can. This way vehicles would still play a major role but could not essentially cap the base by getting an angle on the spawn exits.
  14. Tacom

    I know beeing new is hard, and needs all the help that is humanly possible.. What I dont understand is: in any other game in the world -be it football, tennis, basketball- you need to learn the rules, the objectives, the thecnic. Why is it expected in computer games that somebody must be able to come to the game and be able to play at a good level without any kind of previous preparation the first time they play? Many sports take years of practice to achieve a competitive level. But at the same time, all of them have a tier system that separates noobs from veterans.

    That said, I find that people intencionally griefing new players is a shame, in PS2 or in any other game. I wouldn't give any xp or kills for any kill 10 levels below your BR. If you want to farm noobs, do it for the sake of it, not for the certs.
  15. DeusExForever

    Correction: Biolab is infantry and vehicles. Where do infantry land upon again when teleporting? Sure isn't inside (and they didn't just run there!), it's on an air pad, since the terminal to pick your aircraft is right in front to the Biolab entrance!

    I'm talking 100% infantry.

    Pure meatgrinder fests, not pretty flyboys flying so far away from missiles and bragging about their K/D (yeah, we saw that tomfoolery in Battlefield). Not armor that can glide over tank mines. Not armor and aircraft that takes 7 rockets to down (because they whined it was too much ... yet would cry whenever they got their damaged nerfed).

    Want motion mines in Planetside 2 so the VU can't just glide pass them, too...

    That fixes the whole glide issue, and even if you can spot them in time, suckers will chase the tank!
  16. DeusExForever

    C4 you match them with the C4.

    I don't care what macros they use.
    I don't care what exploits or cheats ... they're going down, all of them. }:>

    (The two "victims" for the pin was the top 10 in RDX kills, who jumped in, and tried to kill my teammates [notice the RDX and APM by their feet Blade threw down with his macro?] ... until I put a pretty dent into their "free will" and blew them up over and over and over).

    But Battlefield there's a vehicle limit. PS2 doesn't have that limit, so even if we made suicide buggies to plow into a column, it won't work on PS2.

    We need counters that work with all play styles. Not 20+ vehicles on one spawn point. -_-

    That's not balance in any shape or form, and games are suppose to be about skills (otherwise throw out the stats and call a game for what it really is).

  17. MuNrOe

    So a bunch of newbies came into the game and got wrecked by poor leadership decisions from an over self important internet "celebrity". Am I missing anything here. This game is meant to be hard. What happened to people playing games in hard mode to become better because it was a challenge. The whole mentality of gamers these days is flawed , they want everything now but are not willing to put in the time or skill to get that. They jump from game to game like children dancing around a sweet shop. The worst part is gaming companies are pandering their games to support the no skilled casual gamer.

    Sure better tutorials and training for new player by all means. Maybe even some perks for the first 10 battle ranks where they can use everything in the game for free ? But changing the mechanics of a game to accustom the mentally challenged because things are too hard is a slippery slope towards what's been destroying the gaming industry for the last 10 years.

    They don't put restrictions on players a experience in any sport so some bum off the street can feel good about themselfs. You either want a competitive environment where skilled individuals can shine. Or you can play hello kitty adventure Island IMO.

    So what if a few people who thought they were top sht got their ***** handed to them by people who put the time skill and effort to do so. More like they got shown that they are not as good as what they thought they were and now their "angry" about it. Mabey if they put more time into Fps gaming instead of running their mouths off about fun factors things might have turned out different!
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  18. MaxDamage

    I think you can leave now.
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  19. iccle

    Really scratching my head over this one trying to understand why the forum rage.

    I watched through the stream last night and it was clear that the organizer of this event was very unorganized and did not have a clue how to play the game himself which in itself is a recipe for disaster particularly if you are intending to broadcast and involve other players in your event, do your homework broadcasters! Despite this it is also evident that they had a lot of laughs (which is what counts right?).

    The guy clearly was able to invite people into a squad yet ran the entire evening with only 3 people there, and the rest presumably following his antics via his stream. There were numerous /tell's asking him to change continent so that other people could join in due to the queues on Indar, all through the footage there are /tell's from vets (i'm asuming) giving pointers on this and that, correcting mistakes he makes etc.

    The number of times he and his crew got weapon locked was unbelievable (i've been 2 years playing and maybe been weapon locked twice). Remember that they only get weapon locked if they repeatedly shoot the wrong people, they did this numerous times but did not take the hint, weapons locked working as intended leaving those who are actually in the game to play the game, free from trigger happy spam.

    I am guessing that none of the broadcasters played through the introductory tutorial, if they had they would have learned that small arms do not affect tanks, and be given some hints on how to use the map to find combat.

    All in all I do not see this stream as a true representation of 'The new player experience' simply because the other two empires clearly had numerous people who knew he was doing this event and shadowed his stream, this does not happen to new players in general.

    So lessons i would take from all this are:
    1) If you are going to broadcast a game, do some homework and figure how to play it before you stream it (unless you are specifically targeting a 'first impressions' type video).
    2) If people learn that you are planning an 'event' you will attract people who intend to disrupt that event, plan accordingly.
    3) If the game you are streaming is moderately complex enlist the help of someone who plays it regularly.
    4) If its your first time playing read the tooltips.
    5) If SOE are going to invite streamers to play, they should arrange for them to work with an experienced SL to show them the ropes.
    6) At least one of the guys playing has had a few drinks, which is not exactly a performance enhancer.

    Regarding the OP's points:
    1) Default loadouts are actually fine, given that the new player does not have access to any of the extra's (attachments, utility etc) there is no loadout management to be had initially. That said I would like to see the 'default class' be either the medic or engineer instead of light assault, most new players I meet are immediately advised to switch to one of these classes because they will earn more certs and also because playing support allows them to play the game at a slightly more sedate pace which is more conducive to learning.

    2) Why should people have to put up with trigger happy players shooting them all the time, most people quickly learn after the first few warnings that shooting the same team is a bad thing. Most people who miss the warnings quickly learn after the first weapon lock, for those that do not it is working exactly as intended. FF prevents mindless spam, you have to think about 'is this the best time to throw this grenade, there are an awful lot of friendlies in there' IMO this adds a lot more positives than negatives.

    3) Completely disagree, the notion that an infantry player should be able to survive a large caliber round to the face is just laughable, it should rightly be a OHK, as should close range with shotgun.

    4) This point of view works exactly the same in reverse. ie 'On a positive note, this game is actually super pretty when you are not getting instagibbed by every footsoldier in the hex. Also, vehicle/air combat is actually fun when, again, you aren't getting wrecked by infantry, maxes, and explosive spam. '

    5) Yep.
  20. dasichri

    Ah... Battlefield 2142... the last good battlefield game I played before DICE began trying too hard to steal CoD fans by changing their gameplay... I get it business wise, but I never enjoyed any other battlefield game after that, that I played from other people.