The balance between all maxes and their special abilities will be the last nail to this coffin.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Leo Di Caprio, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Leo Di Caprio

    Be extremely careful on how you balance the maxes, SOE.

    Do we need to drop more people playing?

    I am posting this here because of how specially overpowered the AA TR max is going to be, I don't think I need to mention the VS max flying or the NC God mode shield.

    Just a heads up, you have test servers, be wise.
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  2. Selentic

    Don't worry, good pilots only comprise maybe an eighth of a percent of the game's population, so it wouldn't hurt the game too much if the few who are left finally gave up playing [IMG]
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  3. Kastrenzo

    VS MAX will not be flying.

    it will be able to flip a switch, and do increased damage. at the cost of taking more damage
  4. ThatGoatGuy

    Man am I glad I'm not gonna be on the receiving end of THAT.
  5. Leo Di Caprio

    In that case everyone should get the TR max's ability for that.

    I am simply bringing back the case of ESRL, the phoenix vs. the rest as infantry, sucks to have something oped as hell, don't it?

    Some people never learn.

    The very last people on earth to get oped AA is TR.

    None of those top ESF players were able to fly back in beta, if you put Naterian with them, the damages from those AA maxes are about the highest point of damage ever, maybe topping beta damages, if you wish to actually tell others who will be unaffected, I would suggest not even an eight but something along the lines of 1/100, I had a friend who flew like nothing all throughout beta, he still thought it was oped as hell, though.

    It used to be that rare... are you planning on killing everyone else? that is.... given they all get that ability.
  6. Leo Di Caprio

    Yeah, I read about that since I haven't played in a month and I am unable to get into the test servers.

    Speed buff seems balanced.
  7. Selentic

    idk what you're saying, but in case it wasn't clear, my post was facetious.
  8. Dreadnaught Wrex

    you could just you know..... fly around the MAX and shoot him up that way. You know, you tactics and intellegence to beat your enemy. But then again, I dont fly ESFs except to get from A to B.

    but also, dont forget. The MAX still has to rely on their aiming skill.
  9. Leo Di Caprio

    Let's take this seriously, sarcasm and irony do not go hand in hand with the interwebs.
  10. Leo Di Caprio

    Or, you can shoot from a point with your back covered by a wall in a 180 angle.

    Either way, the damage dish exceeds beta.
  11. Selentic

    Everyone with a brain already knew burster maxes were absurdly powerful, and now they're going to get buffed further. There's no point even discussing it anymore because everything useful that could have been said has been, all that's left is to mock it for how idiotic it is.
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  12. Dreadnaught Wrex

    true. I wont deny that.
  13. thebigbortishbort

    itd be interesting to see a moving shield formation of NC maxes like riot police or a roof of riot shields to protect from aircraft , either way itd look pretty cant wait for the lock down though
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  14. issuemanthingguy

    IMO these will NEVER WORK because think the NC has something you have a very small charge but its still a charge and if an NC come across a ZOE VS max they will die because the increased damage will DESTROY the shield and unless they changed the NC ability to be infinite like the other 2 its not gonna be balenced. as for the TR one unless it can be interrupted by even a pistol or any damage at all and can't be repaired AND can't pick up ammo AND can't hid in a corrner camping a room with a cap point making it impossible to defend or cap the bace, as for the VS MAX ability that will come i think its pretty balenced other than you would think it was limited but its not, might be a bug but IDK
  15. MasterTater

    Ever been on the test server? The VS MAX will destroy shield?

    LOL - the shield easily eats 3 tank rounds - so stop spamming BS and deceiving other players with lies.

    But you are right on the TR MAX - as it can rotate 360 degree it is completely OP - if it was like the AV turrent in shooting angle - maybe a bit less as the feet are rootet in place - then it would be a bit more balanced.
  16. issuemanthingguy

    first yes i have been on the test server 2 the fist level shield eats 3 prowler tank shells not mag-rider and the ZOE MAX has a better TTK that a duel hacksaw max i hae seen it with my own eyes.