The '1 reason why tanks get a turret stabilization - right now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zagareth, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Vixxing

    Indeed cause you CANNOT understand why someone would not face you in a tank thats more fragile, no shield, more drop, less damage, worse accuracy, less projectilespeed AND no turret! ******* whiners!
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    If you can explain to me how the Magrider is OP without resorting to PPA ZOMG PPA then you might have a point. But currently the Magrider is OP in 0 situations. If the PPA is OP then so is the Prowler HE cannon because it is better at farming than the Magrider HE and Magrider PPA at the same time.
  3. Goden

    You show your colors well.
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  4. xboxerdude

    why do you say I'm not allowed to say PPA is OP ? Tank changes are needed, if anything I've been saying buff magriders AT ability and nerf it's infantry farming. Leave infantry farming to harrasers which have much less life.

    Prowler HE should be nerfed also. Seriously stop farming infantry in tanks, I'm fine with harrasers doing it. Lightnings should be in the middle

    How can you claim the magrider is OP in 0 situations? , that's some subjective bias there holy higby's smed bucks. And you wonder why the devs call you whiners
  5. footjam

    No skill in a game where I can get better by watching youtube while I play due to the added latency.
  6. ShortRovnd

    This is bad, PS2 on PC should be optimised for PC not gimped in any way to match the PS4 version.
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  7. DirArtillerySupport

    I thought that was established with the whole mouse yaw fiasco?

    From a marketing perspective this is a cross platform game without cross platform servers. Why pay once when you can pay twice?
  8. Zorro

    It has been requested for months. It is the single best change in this update, though everything else was quite good.
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  9. Goretzu

    It'll be interesting to see if Air controls are "adjusted" prior to PS4 release (I can't see how the can avoid it tbh as they just won't work well on a PS4).
  10. DirArtillerySupport

    The thing is when you watch wunder pilot videos where the aiming reticule is zig zagging its way across the target it's hard not to think of a console. It's equally as hard to imagine all that disappearing after 2+ years of pilots crafting their skill at aiming with the press of a button rather than the fluid motion of a mouse.
  11. p10k56

    Soon cry waves of infantry commence. After tankers adapt to new stabilization infantry would be next to helpless.
    It will be very harsh to newbies without lockon or ES launchers.
    Also TR av MAXes are screwed cos we don't have fast flying or homed av weapons.
    This change is nerf to anchor Prowler cos Vanny shoot and scoot tactic is now premium winner.
    They should rather fix 3rd person to actually bounce not opposite.
  12. iller

    I don't CARE what the reasons are.

    This needed to happen either way.

    especially for us Skyguard users. We can't even see the ground we're driving over when we're looking up trading shots with a Lib crew while attempting to dodge their massive Dalton projectiles and now those raydamned higbying Hyenea things from the tailgunner too shooting at the exact same things the TankBuster is also hitting b/c Cleg logic.... having the stupid reticle jitter all over from every piece of gravel our track hit was a DEAL BREAKER and a main reason most ppl just pulled a MAX instead.

    Maybe if y'all hadn't abused the living hell out of Fractures, you'd still have something to fight back with?
    Y'wanna know what would fix this right quick? ...Anti-Materiel Sniper rounds.
    We only been asking for them since the game came out donchaknow. The Vanu even GOT THEIRS....
    They ain't gotta give it to us N.C. just yet but they oughtta give TR one the next time you're up for nerfs again
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  13. Kunavi

    Meanwhile, I see no practical difference after seeing all the changes first hand; Tanks still find a nice nest, perch there and shell each other until one has to go behind the nearest rock and fix their smoking junk...

    Am I the only one?
  14. IamDH

    You're issue seems to be the existence of tanks..

    To get to the topic, i don't really care whether this was for PS4 or not. This was a great change and needed although i thought that the Magrider would get a buff after this change
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