Swan Song.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ralathar44, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Ralathar44

    I came back to enjoy more Planetside 2. I received a few implants and thought: Cool they finally implemented it. Then I got killed by a guy who didn't show up my motion detector as he walked through the building. I wasn't mad, though I was a little confused. Thought about that for a second, went and researched implants, figured there were new things I didn't know about.

    As it happens: Holy Crap, they finally went pay to win. Then I went chasing down the rabbit hole which led me here.

    I just uninstalled. I was already done after I got through researching implants, which I don't view as balanced even without the Pay to Win aspects. Then I discovered the reddit posts about potentially selling resources directly. They rode a good line for a very long time and I had a great time with this game. I'm thankful for that time. But now they've crossed the line.

    This isn't a forum argument, I don't care if you think I'm right, they crossed a personal line for me and I'm done. I'm sure my voice echos many others both said and unsaid. You won't see my name here again, I won't be watching this thread or these forums. Goodbye and Good luck.
  2. GhostAvatar

    Implants are no way P2W. I have not bought any implants or chargers with SC (or even certs). Instead relying purely on drops. Yet I have all the implants I desire (upto the highest tier they come in) and run implants all the time on all my loadouts. And at present I have 4 ultra chargers and about 16 chargers in reserve as well. All from playing as free to play.

    As for balance, thats a different matter. But since they are open to all players on all factions. You can't really say it is imbalanced as you have access to them also.
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  3. TheFamilyGhost

    Can I have your chargers?
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  4. Paragon Exile

    Wait, if you don't care about discussion and argument, then why'd you post this to the forums? So we can have a chuckle? So we know what an internet hardass you are? Mission accomplished bro.

    Man up.
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  5. IberianHusky

    You can easily play this game without implants. I don't use them unless I absolutely have to, and as a result, I have about 70k charge with multiple ultra chargers in reserve and about 100 or so normal chargers as back up. You will never run out of charge so long as you avoid T3s and use strictly Ultra Chargers, which can be crafted by combining a T2 implant with a T3 implant.
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  6. void666

    Oh the drama...

    I have a ******** of implants and charges and never paid anything for it. Be it sc or certs.

    But please don't leave. We need you so much.
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  7. TriumphantJelly

    KK bai.
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  8. Titan6

    I don't even use Implants...
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  9. Jaloro

    Implants and chargers drop so frequently I cannot fathom why anyone would say they are pay to win.

    Well, I can, its because he lost and obviously that cannot ever be his fault. Someone must have paid money to beat him.

    Later in news at 10, Ralathar44 accuses people who killed him of hacking.
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  10. Boildown

    I've yet to equip an implant when I wasn't playing on the test server. I do just fine.
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  11. Zotamedu

    I am knee deep in implants and chargers. They drop all the time.
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  12. Dasubur

    No it does not

    Do not say my opinion matches yours when you have no proof or actual statements documented.

    The truth is that you have no idea if people agree with you or not your just ASSUMING they are with out any factual backing or evidence.

    good bye and good riddance, come back when actually grow a spine and leave your limp wrist-ed, half ***** arguments behind.
  13. Iridar51

    That guy wouldn't show up on your motion spotter even without the implant, as long as he'd have stayed crouched. Sensor Shield implant doesn't give a new ability to circumvent radar detection, it only allows the player to be faster while doing it.

    0/10 troll thread.
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  14. Scudmungus

    Much as we all might like to shoot the messenger, the fact remains:

    - Implants do offer advantages in select situations. I know I'm enjoying regeneration as an Infi.
    - SOE have chosen to introduce a cash-for-charge(implants) system
    - It is possible to pay to gain the advantage of an implant

    Sure, it's optional. Sure folks can run implants without paying. And yet it's the accumulation of little changes that make the big difference, be it in game or to the game.

    Implants were introduced to make SOE money, whether you or your friends chose to use the system or not. SOE is not trying to be our friends and they will continue to find ways to nickle and dime the player base until the last - because, above all, SOE - SONY - is in the business of making money. Sure, we'd like to believe that an investment in a quality product would be their first and foremost goal but we're not that naive.

    Now, if folks are happy with the value of their investment - be it camos, weapons (and seemingly soon, attachments) then that's AOK - to each their own. We earn money*, we get to choose how we spend it.

    The OP raises an issue that at one time folks around here would be supporting - why introduce a system of advantages, for a price, when they could either be introduced for free or not at all?

    ''SOE needs revenue to run the game!'' some might cry. That's really not our problem. If SOE desperately needed the revenue from implant sales to stay afloat, then I might even sympathise. But they don't. It's just another attempt to milk for the sake of milking.

    *..ok, maybe not you, you filthy bum. Move out and get a job, you slacker! Let your folks enjoy having sex again!