[Suggestion] Removing Sniper Sway

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Arcflare, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Renuse

    What about a tripod instead. Then just have a little vertical sway? FYI im not a big sniper.
  2. LT_Latency

    You would get wrecked by other snipers. Standing still that long would be really bad.
  3. Renuse

    What about an EMP round? Thatd be kinda cool. Have like 5 or something.
  4. Rift23

    If SOE took scope sway away, they'd have to take the OHK away too to please forumside, and then it'd be back to the Nanoweave days where every target you hit ducked into cover to heal.

    Vanu sniper rifles have bullet drop....
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  5. Renuse

    Well thatd be the downside to being that much more accurate. We cant just add in a whole other plus effect. It has to have an offset or disadvantage to it. Cant just make the whole sniping experience better all around.
  6. LT_Latency

    I know, I am just saying i doubt anyone would use it. Anyone who stays still for to long is sniper bait.
  7. Renuse

    True. But maybe a siper buddy and a medic/engie sniper team could wreck stuff.

    That is a good point though. Perhaps if yoh can cloak while deploying and undeploying it.
  8. reydelchicken

    Removing sway is unecessary, it's not really that big of an issue currently anyways.

    What I would like to see instead, is that when you scope in to take a shot, the crosshair "starting" at the same position you where aiming at while hipfiring and then swaying around from there, currently when you scope in it pops up in a somewhat random position, probably to prevent people from "quickscoping" with snipers, but, it would make the sniping game a bit smoother without removing sway.

    Also, if you intend to fight closer range, get the CQC sniper with a 4x crosshair or 3.4x chevron/crosshair and use that. It has no sway.
  9. Altairis

    Although, SMG infiltrators out class sniper infiltrators in almost every way. Sniping does need some kind of a boon to make it worth using except out of just trying to pick off targets at range with the amount of luck involved at hitting a moving target at 250 meters and above.
  10. Rigsta

    Hold Breath II implant. And you're done.
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  11. _itg

    SMG infiltrators outclass snipers in every way... within about 50m of the enemy, which is hardly "in every way." Sniping is definitely more situational, but there are times when sniping is clearly more useful, like when you need to clear some AV turret engineers off a hill.

    Also, if you're mainly sniping from 250 meters or more, you're probably doing something wrong. You can hit things a lot more easily at 100-150m, and you can readjust your vantage point a lot more quickly if you need to. Finally, you're in a better position to switch loadouts and go with SMG/anther class, if you feel the need.
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  12. JesNC

    Everyone has trouble hitting a moving target at 200m+ in the head unless it's moving very (very very) predictably. That's
    because it's supposed to be that way. If we could hit everything at any range this game would devolve into sniper vs sniper real quick and one would probably be dead the moment he entered the render range of any one fight.

    So once again: If you have trouble keeping up with your medic buddy scorewise during a tower farm, move closer.

    PS: Only the Spectre and the Phaseshift (and the close range SASR, idk its name) are no-drop weapons, every other VS sniper has the same drop as its equivalents on the other empires. Please do your research.
  13. Amouris

    4/10 just because you got all these people to respond.
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  14. McToast


    I actually like having sway on rifles, adds a bit to the skill curve.

    BUT if we have sway on sniper scopes and even on the 1x IR/NV, give sway to ALL sights, even ironsights! If not, remove it completely. It's just stupid to have it as a "balance-factor" (lol) on some weapons and not on others.
  15. Nurath

    This. Sorry OP, you made a well written post and didn't bring in attitude so I feel bad shooting it down but frankly you're asking for an element of skill removed from the class and turning sniping into even more of a point & click adventure.

    Playing infiltrator is meant to be hard. You're meant to have to think and put effort in. But also sniping is dangerous to this game. Too easy and every sniper-hero, every Vasily Zaitsev is just destroying the battlefield and ruining the game for everyone else. Especially because it's a pretty selfish role that serves stat-padders and K/D fanatics.

    I dunno. I don;t want to see sniping ruined for people who genuinely enjoy the actual challenge but I don't want sniping made baby-mode and ruining the game for everyone else.

    Since I have died more than once to snipers but don't feel my play-time completely ruined by them I'd say sniping is in an okay place.
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  16. TraatAdmiral

    Absolutely not. I like scope sway. Sniping is great in this game.
  17. Gleerok


    Weapon sway is a necessary evil to level out the skill to be a sniper.

    We don't want legions of newbies sitting on locations only because it is "easy" to snipe. Current sniping skills provide nice sniper duels and nice stands that require tactical thinking, timing, and aim.

    We remove it? So it becomes unrealistic borderline ridiculous?

    I play as sniper very often, and I think it should stay that way.
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  18. Merakov

    rofl when kids who cant play come to cry in the forums
    Go play CS or something there's no sway there you can have all the "Skill" plays there
    Everyone is telling you that sway is ok but NOOO they are all wrong right
    They dont posses the godlike sniper skillz 2014 like you they dont know anything about how the game is played
  19. MarkAntony

    Sway is easy to control. And if you can't even notice the difference between using hold breath and not using it you obviously lack experience.
  20. Inex

    Unless they've changed it recently, sway is a perfectly predictable loop pattern. It thus adds skill to the infiltrator class, etc, etc...