Striker review [Wrel's new vid]

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xMaxdamage, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. xMaxdamage

    In b4 "Wrel is biased, striker is OP"
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  2. FieldMarshall

    After auraxing heavy, i just wanted to point out that the Striker is the fastest/easiest weapon to get 1200 deterrence points with for HA. Getting 1200 points with the Striker then moving on to NC HA was a pain.
  3. xMaxdamage

    the purpose of a weapon should be kill stuff, not farm points for shiny armor.
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  4. Flag

    A single lancer used solo doesn't kill much either.
  5. xMaxdamage

    this is just a myth, lancer is currently the hands down best sunderer repeller available to infantry. a full charged laser deals more damage to sundies than a lock-on RL round, it has no drop and 800 m/s bullet speed, dealing full damage until 400 meters and some damage up to 1000 meters. oh and it has 8 "rockets", while lock-ons have 5.
    some resistance value data has probably been ninja-changed, maybe not by purpose, that's why this myth exists. wrel also has wrong "shoots to kill a sundy" data in his lancer review.

    if lancer had its sh*t right to the damage values it is supposed to have then yes, you could be right. but in its "OP probably not by purpose" current state it's extremely good at repelling sundies, which are the most important vehicles in the game.
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  6. Flag

    Let's clear up some misinformation of yours.
    The Lancer at Level 3 charge (1 and 2 has even less) has a max range of 750 meters, not 1000/infinite.
    A level 1 and 2 shot also moves slower than the level 3 one.

    While the Lancer damage output isn't exactly bad, the launcher is bottom tier for general purpouse use. Hence why most VS only bring the lancer when there's a Lancer Camp in the making.
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  7. xMaxdamage

    I'm obv referring to full charged lasers (as I said in the post you quoted), lv 1 and 2 have no use most of the times when dealing with vehicles, also can you prove what you say about its range? 750 meters is far enough anyway but I once read of a guy that actually tested it and he said it worked untill 1000 meters.
    the fact that most players think lancer's damage output is bad is because it is supposed to be less damaging per hit, since it can hit with such reliability. its current state is just due to a bug and if it was common knowledge I think a lot more players would carry it.
    btw our opinion about the former lancer is probably the same, the problem is its current state.
  8. CMDante

    All launchers are better than the Striker, I'd like to slap whomever thought giving one faction a close range anti-air launcher while the others had long range tank-killers was a good idea.
  9. MikeyGeeMan

    Issue is its point and click no skill required. Like most vs weaponry.
  10. zaspacer

    Ugh, Wrel totally missed the Striker's most frequently viable use: extreme range (450-550 meter) AV sniping.

    I've been using TR exclusively in order to really test out the current Striker. And it is the best TR Infantry option to do extreme range AV sniping. The trick is to use Crouch, be stationary, single fire to get precise elevation for range on target, and then slowly single click each shot at the exact same elevation once target is ranged. The Striker also has very slight drop relative to most other Infantry Weapons, so after a while you get pretty quick at ranging and being able to lead and hit with decent accuracy (~60%) even slower moving Ground Vehicles (not Harasser or Flash) at extreme ranges.

    The best targets for extreme range Striker AV sniping are Base Turrets (AA or AV that can't aim at you), Engineer Turrets, and Deployed Sunderers. Fire from an elevated position to maxmize line-of-sight options and having the ability to step back from line-of-sight from targets to get cover from counterattacks. If you draw Sniper fire or a Spawned Sunderer Weapon, identify the origin of the attack and reposition to use cover to (1) still have line-of-sight on target, while (2) cutting off line-of-sight of those trying to counterattack you. If a Tank is taking shots at you from extreme range, just back up out of line-of-sight, then reposition and fire 2-3 shots from a close but different location, then back out again, reposition, repeat: this will mess with their ability to pick you off.

    Striker is also great for dealing with enemy Harassers that are trying to go AI QCQ on your location. Striker's fast Projectile Speed and Hipfire make it easy to target and move around a very close Harasser, and 6 Rockets will do about 66% of a Harassers Health. When I use it in this way, it almost always makes them bolt, I often get the kill, and they are panicing and not in a position to figure out where I am and get firepower on me.

    I always use Munitions Pouch 4, I bring my own Sunderer for transportation, resupply, and respawn as needed (I use Cloak Stealth and park it some distance from where I am firing from).

    Striker is also very useful to draw attention to your position or your target. I can often get people spawning at my Sunderer once they see I am attacking from a great position. And I can often get other units to fire on targets that I am firing at and highlighting.

    Wrel is also incorrect about the partial salvo psychological impact on ESF pilots. Just hitting with 2-3 Rockets will get an ESF to take notice and react. If it's very low enemy pop (for them) or they are in a safe zerg, they will likely not freak out and run, but will try to locate your position and hunt you down. But if its decent enemy pop or they are without support, they will often break and run and have downtime to repair. As an ESF pilot myself, I know how effective even moderate damage can be at disrupting their operations. Boosting their downtime significantly, and often annoying/threatening them enough so that they will choose to go elsewhere. Remember, an ESF is like a Cheetah: fast and capable, but (unless it's in a safe engagement: low pop, in air zerg, etc.) it can't risk exposure to moderate damage. ESF die when they let damage stack up or have their Fire Suppresion uncharged, as surprise AA or an opportunistic enemy ESF can suddenly escalate to lethal.
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  11. Ragnarox

    Then go and make VS character and play it, or delete TR character and cry in the corner.
  12. MikeyGeeMan

    Haha. More vs propaganda. Na. I think I'm just gonna keep shooting vs in the face. And watch them cry about their kdr and l2p dren.
  13. Flag

    Charging the Lancer comes with some caveats. And yes, it's usually a non-issue when in a lancer camp, but against just about everything else those caveats makes all other launchers preferable in those situations, as well as the go-to launcher for general use.

    For the 750 meter range, I tested it a long time ago by shooting at anchored prowlers (and hovering gals/libs). Past a certain point, which from my testing was around 750 meters (which is long, but not infinite, and certainly not hitscan like some like to claim), you just don't do damage.

    That's cute. By that standard every weapon in the game is point and click no skill required.
    Either that or you really don't understand the quirks of VS (and NC/TR for that matter) weaponry.
  14. xMaxdamage

    we may agree if lancer had no such damage bonus to sunderers, but in its current state I just can't consider it a balanced weapon when dealing with those vehicles, which happens to be a very important matter in the actual state of the game. it has more damage per rocket, more rockets, more hitting reliability than every other lock-on RL, and far, far more range than dumb-fireable ones.
    also I have a BR 60ish vanu alt where I exclusively use lancer as RL since the start.

    I'll stop replying on the lancer subject here, it is not the matter of the topic.
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  15. Scr1nRusher

    Its certainly better.

    Still needs abit more AV damage, but other then that its useful.
  16. Kristan


    Yeah, sniping static sunderers in VR from 500 meters away. :D
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  17. MikeyGeeMan

    You guys are so silly. Vs has the easiest arsenal to use. Everyone knows it. It's why there are so many vs. the sheep are attracted to easy shiny things to use. Those who say it's because of teamwork are just using a red herring.
  18. Flag

    Who is this "everyone"?

    Speaking of which, I had Fisu check something for me, the number of characters per empire, and you know what? There's more NC characters made than TR and VS. Don't believe me? Here's the numbers:
    (edit: ignoring BR0s /edit)

    VS: 473,970
    NC: 515,559
    TR: 438,972
    More to the point, I checked the servers -right now- and while on your server the VS have more pop than say ... TR, who has the least, they're pretty much even with NC.
    If you're going to make any claims, at least back it up with some numbers ...
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  19. Zero Cool

    Having aurax'd the post nerf striker ( I never purchased it during the op days), I kinda have spent some time to use it, and compare it to the other available options (also aurax'd skep, default, grounder, and deci).

    It is without a doubt the king of air deterrence ribbons, it will basically print them out for you like the US prints money.

    It is also the best at destroying terminals. It takes 3 rockets to kill a terminal some a-hole infiltrator hacked.

    Those are its major redeeming qualities, the latest buff did make it more serviceable against ground vehicles for sure though. It is solid against dumb harrassers, does good damage to them. But they have to be immobile to really do damage.

    Pretty good at taking down sundies, as you can actually hit them cause of there size. If they are deployed, you can hit them from pretty far, but it will still take every round you have to kill it. Which usually means BR 1-15 bolt baby will get you first.

    Its really fun to run a striker Valkyrie, poor esf's don't know what happened sometimes.

    It will miss ESF's and other aircraft for no reason sometimes (will track on and then shoot right passed, while the other rockets hit). Which sucks cause for it to be effective, it needs most rockets to land.

    It is completely terrible at killing max's. you have to get extremely lucky and hope your av nade stuck to the damn thing or you are screwed. Its useless at spamming groups of infantry with aswell.

    The striker will get you killed a crap-ton while using it, as you are either ADS/immobile for an extended period of time, in the open to unload a salvo at something. All those beautiful br4 snipers just **** down your throat if you dare to try and put all 6 rockets on target.

    Its an ESF deterrent at best, that's it. you may get some lucky lib/valk kills, but don't bet on it, heck sometimes you wont even deter them. Galaxies...your better off trying to get your AV nade to the flight ceiling than wasting your time hitting it with the striker.
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  20. Cynicismic

    (With emphasis on the *I* sound), Right...

    You TR are so silly. Making whimsical claims and accusations with no statistics to reinforce your tinfoil-tastic speculations. This statement is so ridiculous, I can't even think of anything witty to reply to it with. So I'll put this bluntly: stop fuelling the TR stereotype of a whining, tinfoil-hat-wearing child who will moan persistently whenever they are killed and pester the developers to "...nerf this..." and "...nerf that...". Making outrageous claims like this is what fuels this stereotype. Of course, the other factions aren't golden either, though in terms of dedicated crying, the TR certainly come out on top. I'm not saying that all Terran Republic players follow this pattern - many respectable posters in this thread have proved that many TR players do not follow the trend - yet as a majority, this is a general consensus of the other two Empires.

    Moreover, please try to produce some statistics when you attempt to justify your claims that "VS weapons are the easiest to use", or that everyone knows this supposed "fact".

    I'd like to point out that the Striker has a different role than the Lancer - the rounds are rapid-firing heat-seeking, instead of the Lancer's direct charge fire. This means that the Striker can deal more consistent damage to aircraft, which is something that the Lancer cannot reliably do. Hence, with six guided rounds, there is a damage output of around 1,200 to enemy targets, (6*200 damage per rocket). This is more than the Lancer at close range with a full charge level of 3, which is around 750 before 400m.

    I'll agree in saying that the Lancer is perhaps a little too potent at the rocket launcher role. Having said that, I think that it's an interesting weapon that should be left as it is because it has a damage bonus to Sunderers - the other factions should also have weapons like the Lancer that deal more damage to enemy spawn vehicles. The Lancer shouldn't be nerfed. Other factions should have a similarly powerful version of it.

    Also, good on you for not letting the discussion go off topic.
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