Sort Deployment Spawns

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Professor, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Professor

    Please let us have a little drop down box that lets us sort spawns, at the current moment I really can't tell what spawns are sorted by though it appears last spawn leader location and then distance from death point?

    Though I would much rather let us sort spawns in such a way that we can tune them to our preferences I can think of a few options that would be beneficial such as:
    Alphabetical order
    Distance from death point
    Closest to squad members
    Last spawned location
    Enemy activity
    Base type

    I'm sure there are many other options people can come up with, though my favorite is the "last spawned location" because nothing is quite as annoying as shuffling through the large list of Sunderers to try and find the one you last spawned at.
  2. Daejin

    Current sort order is:
    Squad Leader's Positon
    Squad Leader's Respawn Beacon
    Closest-further Location (To a Max distance/points)

    If objectives play a role, it would be directly under Squad Leader's Respawn Beacon