Some of us are still getting disconnects.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alexander Chadwick, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. 101011b

    That's actually a very good and valid point. Not sure if it'll help my case but I went through and deleted all of the CC's stored on my account.
  2. 0xdeadbabe

    I'm still having the same issue (day 4). However, when I tether my PC to my phone's 4G LTE connection, I am able to connect and play without any issue. The original problem only occurs when connecting through my home ISP. This was not a problem prior to the Oct patch.

    Also, if i connect via a VPN half way across the country everything works as it always did, expect for a very high ping due to the distance of the VPN server from west coast PS2 server.

    This very clearly seems like a networking issue on Daybreak's end. My ISP is CenturyLink in AZ, USA

    Jup same here tried everything what you tried and it works on phone and VPN, just not on home internet...
    im from different country in EU freally far from you, so its definetly DBG server issue, its amazes me that it still not fixed...
    • Up x 1
  4. Lusterburn

    Same issue for days. I chose my character and click log in and all that happens is the faction song plays a time and a half before hard DC. I still cannot play. Disappointed.
  5. Lusterburn

    I keep getting DCd trying to log into Emerald, and I read about the other forms of connection thread posts so I tried to create a new character on a different server to see if that would work and I got onto Connory for about 30 seconds as a vanu. Not sure if that helps but it's all Iv'e been able to do is try ****.
  6. Atarax

    For information, if you cut your connexion in game, you will's the same effect.
    It's feel like you are deconnected from the start. You spawn in game but it seems to the connexion or exchange between server and you don't happen at all.
    (really sorry for my english)
  7. Mr. Thoughtful

    Just checked it out, again and yes it's still an issue. Seems like something to do with DNS. Like the game doesn't want you to connect to the server, keeps timing out the connection and then hits you with server disconnect. So don't allow the connection to time out. Keep trying redeploy and warp to continent under world map. Things slowly start to kick in. That's your best bet. It was in my case, annoying as all hell, but helped. Hope it gets solved very soon. PS! I did not discover this temporary fix! It was another fellow planetman. Thank you!

  8. Aleijo

    I Don't know if it is a good information to give, but I get the bug only if I connect with my TR character. My VS character from the same account is able to play normally
  9. Tr34

    Thanks a lot, I can stay connected to the game this way. It can also be a hint for the developers to solve the problem.

    day 5 and still not fixed, this is ridiculous!!
  11. Tardistealer

    and how about membership days ? i paid for it and now 5 days out, and i think its be more , do thay extend my lost money by extending my membersip???
  12. iiYezale

    I'm experiencing the same thing but for a while now I managed to play after I got logged in I was suprised by the server latency....It was on 100k ping but it keeps decreasing so I can play. Also after i got kicked out due to inactivity it started again and again.
  13. C0smos

    Still same issue. It's been 5 days now...
    This lack of communication from the support/Twitter/Reddit/Official forum is inacceptable. There are still too many ppl facing this problem and the dev should provide informations/ news the right way.
  14. Trigga

    Looks like i didnt read your post thoroughly enough.
    O well i could play, shame you couldnt.
  15. Kristan

    Actually after recent hotfix I were able to play again, but it takes couple of minutes for the game to be playable.
  16. Humusak

    day 5 after patch, some people can play but me not, my new nick is DISCONNECTED
  17. 0xdeadbabe

  18. Panzermowl

    Sry for my bad english.

    After some of u told it would work via LTE or mobile Data connection and cause someone of DBG said the problem would fix itself i thought it could be something with Server configs or maybe DBG moved some of there stuff.

    I tried
    win -> cmd -> ipconfig /flushdns

    PS2 still not works correct (terminalare inactive) but i don get disconnected.

    Still have to use the Koltyr trick but before flushing the DNS i was disconnected after about 30 secs.
    Now i stayed in the WG for about 5 mins
  19. BattGuano

    well, with nothing to lose, i created a new character, first time ever other than VS and was able to log on to a different server - game play was not good tho as people and vehicles were warping all over the place and nothing seemed to function normally so not sure wth is going on but at least i got a little taste of PS2 :\
  20. CaparzoX

    if you move everything crazy is the high latency of the server, if you set the server is dead now there are not many people.