Some impressions after coming back

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Simferion, Jul 2, 2016.

  1. Simferion

    I'm a long time player. I started to play PS2 in February 2013. I got 6 chars (with more then 2400hrs of playtime) , I spent a bunch of money,etc.
    I got bored and I left, returning back only for some quick sessions.

    In the last few days, attracted by the new features, I started to play again a bit more.

    Seriously, I'm disliking what I found:

    1) Screenshake is or seems to be reverted to the 2013, when a fart was enough to create an earthquake. My aim is constantly messed up by explosion and it's frustrating.

    2) Controls seem more sluggish than when I stopped to play. Sometimes I cannot drag my mouse down at all.

    3) Cheaters. Enough said!

    4) Lag, latency and packet losses: it seems sometimes my shot are blanks.

    I like the new features, but the aspects above are making me thinking there's no real reason to come back to play.
  2. NXR1

    Oh god i remember when they first added flinch and the screen shake from explosives, felt like i was actually fighting a war but all i could see was a blur.
  3. PlanetBound

    The upside is your enemy is getting the same while aiming at you.
  4. AlterEgo

    This game has changed SO much in the past few months. I love it, will keep loving it, but this is DBG's chance to add better faction flavor, which, aside from the added depth to the game, is the BIGGEST update I'd love to see from Planetside. It's about time the factions are finally fleshed out and find true uniqueness.

    I understand what you're saying, the game may have some glaring issues, but be aware that the game is doing better than it has been in quite some time. I say this as a guy who has taken a short break from Planetside, but has returned because the God-danged nostalgic times I had playing were too overwhelming to resist. Don't lose hope, man!:eek:
  5. Gundem

    More likely then not, what you experience as "Cheaters" is actually just the collectively increased skill of the playerbase as poor players are weeded out and regular players become more experienced.
  6. ObiVanuKenobi

    lol no i'm the best if someone kills me he must be cheating.
  7. zaspacer

    aka "as more 'average gamer' and new players quit."

    aka "networked and/or hardcore players learn the K-Style GunZ and do better"