So what are Infantry gonna do when they find a sunderer spawning people since they have Immunity!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ImGladUmad, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. phreec

    Fair? How the hell will enemies being invulnerable after carelessly spawning in combat or getting revived fair? If anything it's unfair to cater to such oblivious braindead idiots and give them godmode until THEY OPEN FIRE AT YOU! By now you should know how short the time-to-kill is in this game and how who shoots first, usually wins...
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  2. sagolsun

    Yeah well obviously the best way to be a better game than BF3 is to become BF3. Only bigger. Because scale matters and all.
  3. voody

    Given enough firepower, of which the required amount is exactly the same as it is now, they will kill it.

    Status quo: Sunderer gets spotted, 10 HAs unload rockets into it until it dies.
    After the patch: Sunderer gets spotted, 10 HAs unload rockets into it until it dies.

    Status quo: Sunderer gets spotted, HA sneaks up on it unnoticed by vulnerable people, uses C4 and a rocket, sunderer dead.
    After the patch: Sunderer gets spotted, HA sneaks up on it unnoticed by invulnerable people, uses C4 and a rocket, sunderer dead.

    Status quo: Sunderer gets spotted, a lone LA roflcopters above it unnoticed by vulnerable people, drops C4, sunderer dies.
    After the patch: Sunderer gets spotted, a lone LA roflcopters above it unnoticed by invulnerable people, drops C4, sunderer dies.

    Status quo: Sunderer gets spotted, air and tanks start shelling for XP, people try to run and fight back but die, sunderer dies at will.
    After the patch: Sunderer gets spotted, air and tanks start shelling for XP, people run and fight back, sunderer probably dies at will.

    The timer might be visualized, thus preventing a cognitive fully developed person from shooting a non-killable target. If it is not this privilege will be reserved for those who can count to 3 or whatever the timer will be.

    And when "you" or "I" or "he" (notice the singular) shoots a rocket at "their" (this is plural) sunderer, chances are they are going to see and kill you or me or him either way, unless they are all all-out clueless muppets, in which case no amount of invulnerability will save their partybus.

    Seriously, nothing is going to change as far as kiling a sunderer is concerned. There could possibly be ways to make this backfire into SOE's face but sunderers becoming harder to kill because they have a few part time immortals around them is not one of them.
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  4. fyiimapizza

    I know you're a Troll and all but can you please stop calling your threads Public Service Announcements when you aren't announcing anything? You're asking a question. Thank you for your time and go to hell please.
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  5. VoidMagic

    The major impact of revive spawn invulnerability will be that infantry can no longer kill sunderors unless in HUGE numbers.

    Vehicles will now be necessary to kill Sundies in any reasonable fashion.
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  6. {joer

    A few seconds is an eternity in combat.
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  7. Palor

    The patch notes are very vague. We dont know how it will be when it actually enters the game. Maybe the invulnerability will only be .5 sec just long enough for the persons screen to load. Maybe the invulnerability will only be for drop pods. Can we at least wait till we see it in action before we cry foul?
  8. ThommiX

    There's always that couple seconds of loading and UI coming up when you spawn where you can't do anything. If this invulnerability lasts only that time, it won't be unbalancing in any way.

    How about OP actually wait to try it and see the actual facts about it before crying doom.Useless to complain about something you haven't even tried yet at all.
  9. xboxerdude

    What no one has brought up to this point is maxes. A max when coming across an enemy sunderer could ACTUALLY do something by camping the spawn and trying to hold the softies from forming up until his own softies come to blow it up. Now a max can do nothing. This really is a nerf to Maxes.

    Explosion immunity is fine IMO , firearm immunity should not be there.
  10. Jex =TE=

    Unless they shoot before the timer is up, which the other player will have no idea when that will be so the advantage goes to the spawner.
  11. siiix

    i like the idea, you need time to react when you spawn ... i dont think this will have any effect on game play ... its just a nice gesture
  12. SirBobington

    People post like the invulnerability will last forever.
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  13. Calaerin


    Those two seconds would give me plenty of time to line up my 12x scope crosshairs on someone's head, pull the trigger and by the time my bullet gets there the 2 secs are up and his brains are splattered all over the next hapless victim... Hehe I like it already.
  14. xboxerdude

    This will have a huge effect on MAX gameplay.
  15. FateJH

    This is a nerf to people not killing the sunderer.

    Unless the MAX has an AV load-out, the kind that could tackle the sunderer, it should report about the vehicle's location and immediately fall back (Charge), or at least get around a corner to try and flank the people who have just spawned when they leave the spawn location.

    I'm sorry, but this change was to reduce spawn camping, and that's what an AI MAX standing in front of sunderer and killing people as they appear without contest is.
  16. Tobax

    He did clearly say that using a weapon ends being invulnerable or did everyone miss that given how everyone is acting.
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  17. TheWhiteDragon

    Ok, this might sound a little radical, but hang with me here. How about they attack sundy? And don't give me this "their [sic] is no way the infantry can blow it up by themselves". For starters, don't be running around by yourself. Secondly, almost every class has an option that can do considerable damage.
  18. Jex =TE=

    It's a crutch for people too stupid to spawn elsewhere. I don't farm sundies, I will do everything to kill them but if morons keep spawning and dying at them, and they have an option to spawn elsewhere, who is causing the problem here exactly?
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  19. FateJH

    It's the merciful version of the spawn room door shields, except the player is forced to leave it by action or by timer, rather than choice. Without valuing the ability to spawn without fear of immediate death as important, there wouldn't be any reason to have any of the spawn points in this game protected. There's more than enough precedent to say that "It make sense for x, but not y" is not enough justification for anything in this game.
  20. LiTo_SE

    Kill the sunderer not the people.
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