Should the xp reward be like this all the time?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Marko Box, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Marko Box

    Is any1 else getting this feeling? With x2 weekend i feel like the cert gain is just right, and geting 2-3k xp for fitting a max isnt so unreachable.
    If this was the baseline its still low enough for paying people to have an incentive to by boosts while those who arent dont burn out because everything is taking soo god damn long to get.
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  2. Borsig

    Wont happen as long as its pay real money to get SC for guns.

    I'll say it again. WONT happen.

    This weekend is about a probable rapid delcine ealy in populations / and subs. I canceled my sub already. game is WAY out of balance. I see no use in paying $15 a month. It will still take more hours than I will ever play to get a decent HA weapon as NC. I cannot invest the hours and hours and hours to buy weapons. Even with the boots afforded by membership. Therefore membership is useless to me and a waste of money. Id be better off buying SC, but I will not be doing that, unless they balance th infantry game better.

    Game has issues, theyre trying to get people back logged in.
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  3. Gambles

  4. MexelVanMexelen

    Dunno 'bout other servers but Miller has been consistently busy this week. Mind you, today was superb! Big battles at 6am for Zurvan and Tawrich. Immense!
  5. Borsig

    busy is subjective.

    If things were booming they wouldne be giving out free anything. Double XP means less cash revenue on weapons, the extent of which, I cant begin to understand as I dont know the business model.

    That being said, demand is probably dropping, therefore they offer something to make it increase... Players probably arent getting things at the rate that keeps them interested. Theyrefore they are trying to re-boost interest.

    Most sub based games see a rapid drop off in the first what, 90 days? I have a feeling this one is seeing that drop faster, simply becasue of the gap in cert gain to weapons cost.

    Really, advancement and reward is VERY slow here.
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  6. Rothnang

    The reason why double XP brings in people is because it's more than usual. If the current XP rate was the baseline it wouldn't accomplish anything.

    What they really have to do is adjust the XP scheme a bit so more play styles are adequately rewarded. Right now there are just way too many things that don't give you jack for XP, like running air defense, or trying to defend a key location when you have nothing to shoot at until the Zerg shows up and then you can't stop them anyways. Different positions in a vehicle don't get to share XP so some positions get huge bonuses while others get relatively little. Stuff like that needs fixing and you'll see the advancement become a lot more fun. Right now there is just way too big of an empasis on just getting mass kills, and not anywhere near enough on accomplishing objectives.
  7. Jestunhi

    I saw 196 in the queue for Miller a night or two ago.

    Glad I'm a subscriber. :)
  8. Borsig

    you actaully bought the jokehammer?
  9. General Epeen

    I would imagine booster sales to have increased significantly over the double XP period.
  10. Trysaeder

    Booster sales != increased revenue.
  11. Marko Box

    I used to play tribes:ascend in beta and when it came out, that game reminds me of this.
    At the start they had issues, bugs etc but it was all berrable except the weapon unlock grind. Some classes required some weapons to be competitive but it took soo much time to unlock them that you would be bored of the game by the time u got it. Now even that wouldnt be a problem if they didnt start introducing new weapons which we hilariously overpowered at the launch (and only way to obtain them imidietly was to pay for it). So you had a feeling that you where always behind a paying costumer (not the ones buying boosts but the ones buying weapons).
    Situation is simmilar here, bumpy launch followed by them imidietly starting to introduce new items to the game in order to get as much money rolling in. We will see what they do next but so far i dont see myself playing this if they go the tribes rute of money grab
  12. drksideken2000

    I don't come from an FPS background. Sure, I've played some of the bigger titles for the single player, but I've never been that great. I've had my butt handed to me more times than I'd ever care to admit and at times it can be frustrating. That being said, I can't say that I'm unhappy about the game at all. It's FTP and compared to a lot of games out there you get a pretty good bang for the buck in that regard. As far as double exp for the weekend goes, if you've ever played any of SOE's games in the past it is something they have always done. I played eq2 for over 6 years and I've seen them do the double exp weekends there often enough to know that it wasn't because the game was dying. All it really does in this game is gives the ftp players a little boost now and then and helps to sell boosts that fund further development of the game. Weapons may cost a lot of certs, but it's not impossible to get them. I agree that it can be a bit of a zerg fest at times, but over time I think this will mellow out as time goes on and things get balanced and Outfits become more organized. They won't be able to get rid of all the hackers, but they should be able to thin out the herd enough that it's not game breaking. For a free to play title, I'd say that it's very fun, very addicting, and well worth the price of free.
    My personal favorite game activity...Using infiltrator to hunt infiltrators. That is a game in and of itself...and very intense, especially when they are hunting you back. :)
  13. Trysaeder

    They had this kind of experience gain back in beta (cert prices were halved, cert gain is same as it is now). It was a bit too fast in most people's eyes. I think the current model is decent, except for all the high priced weapons. Most weapons should be around 250-750 certs, not the mostly 1000 certs we have now.