Server smash thought

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DramaticExit, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. DramaticExit

    Has the idea of a three-way server smash been proposed/considered?

    (I was tyring to think of a way of making this post more than just that question, but really that's all I wanted to ask.)
  2. Alarox

    There's one scheduled soon on Hossin.
  3. toast2250

    Nice. I want to watch dis.
  4. DramaticExit


    Link to the details etc? Which servers are involved?
  5. Reltor

  6. Yuukikun

    I think it's the first time i see someone using crappy spelling such as ''dis'' and finish their sentence with a .
  7. AshHill07

    I'm surprised not so many people know about this, although I guess the only reason I know is because I occasionally talk with the guy who's force commanding the Miller side and they're really looking forward to it.