Server pop balance @ Cobalt again ..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Orakel, Feb 1, 2020.

  1. Orakel

    Hey DB,

    So pop balance isnt working? Why we have 40% TR @ Cobalt this saturday morning ? Cant be soooooo hard to close overpoping faction and prevent them from overpoping yes ? I mean give them the offer to play for underpoped faction its easy like that..

    If you cant fix for sure i will think about leaving the game .. since there is 0 balance ..
  2. FLHuk

    Was this a little while back when Amerish opened?

    If so it was even less than an hour before as I'd logged onto my TR as it was the lowest pop by 1% to the VS then NC at 34%

    TR won the alert after the VS pop collapsed down to 20% ish.

    I then swapped to VS for the giggles.
  3. Rooklie

    People often jump on the winning faction.

    Irony is, they lost ;)

    (unfortunately, assuming you're VS, so did you :p)
  4. Orakel

    Wow seriously but this shouldnt be possible !!!! Cant fix and resolve pop balance at your own game DB?

    Having right now at this moment 39% TR @ Indar alert @ Cobalt ..