Seriously Air-People, a Cosmetic Fins Question

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Compass, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Compass

    So I was looking at the new fins in the shop.

    There appear to be 9 of them:

    Tiger Fins for Mosquito
    Viper Fins for Mosquito
    Razor Fins for Reaver(?!)
    Tiger Fins for Liberator
    Viper Fins for Liberator
    Razor Fins for Liberator
    Tiger Fins for Galaxy
    Viper Fins for Galaxy
    Razor Fins for Galaxy

    Now, I assume Razor Fins for Reaver do nothing for me.

    The Razor Fins for the Liberator, however, are blue and yellow. Do these change to TR colors on my Liberator? Can my TR Liberator even equip them? What about the VS green fins?

    Please, someone with experience, explain this to me before I end up buying fins that I can't equip. I really like the airfoil shape of the NC fins compared to... just more fins of the TR Tiger set-up to be honest <_<
  2. Compass

    Please! Someone ;-;

    This is like unanswered forever arone.
  3. Arbite

    Okay, I think that's an error in the store. I saw it as well while looking at the new items. I have the Razors fins for all three aircraft for TR. They are TR colors. I'd wait until the store gets fixed before you buy though, just to avoid any problems. As TR, you should not be able to see Reaver options or NC colors in the store for these items.