Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by planitsider, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    I am completely in favour of nerfing the vertical thrust afterburner.
    Maybe not as much as they did, only so much that fully certing fuel pods will still give you the same as before, + obviously the fuel if you didn't use it originally. Why? Because then you have to choose. And I absolutely wait for the lockon changes.
    Lock based on accuracy and distance? Great. Keep aim to keep lock? Sounds good.
    Kill all the silly hovers in seconds because they don't move and are close to the ground, but a dedicated dogfighter can probably shake them with a bit of jerking.
    Ed2: I'd personally love to have A2G lockons for Libs or ESFs or dropable bombs to differentiate roles even more.

    Edit: One thing to note to the notion "It's great to lose to great pilots, it encourages you to get better.":
    Nope. It's great to lose to someone that is just that bit better than you, someone you can aspire to beat with more training. It's fun to lose a fastpaced, drawn out chase, and a bunch of other things.
    It's not fun in the slightest to lose to someone that just completely curbstomps you with maneuvers you can't yet begin to comprehend. The thought most new players will have there is more along the lines of "It'll take me months of grinding and dedicated training to get where that guy is now, and where will he be by then?".
    That's just not too many people's definition of fun. So what do those people do? They buy a lockon. I know I'd do it.
  2. planitsider

  3. Plasmaszap

    Sure, going through terrain, looping around obstacle, not deflected by flare and reaches you farther then the 500m.

    Probably working as intended.

    We : Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together

    This is a pretty unanimous position of vanu an nc. If you dont feel included that finds, but WE stills apply by its definition

    • Up x 1
  4. Andrea SKye

    While I do not see this as much of a big deal as people are making out, i really think this is a worthless change.

    EVERYBODY is going to get the reverse nerf, so EVERYBODY is still going to be equally handicapped. Its not going to change much in dog-fighting or dodging ground targets or whatever. Baddies and Newbies will still be Baddies and Newbies, and a Good Pilot will still trash them without breaking a sweat.

    THAT SAID, I dont see why it has to be nerfed. I havent seen a single thread saying "omg reverse maneuver OP!" or "I always get killed cause of reverse maneuver!" So why bother nerfing it? Pointless work that could have been spent better elsewhere, like optimization.
  5. MasterDemoman

    Dogfighting certed aircraft should be able to do the reverse maneuver BETTER. (As in, buff extended AB) A2G should stay as is.
  6. planitsider

    Well it does help dodge rammers.
    It will get a lot more a game of who sees the other first.
    Whit reverse you can still get a good 1vs1 fight if you know your moves.
  7. elementotrl

    I am an ESF pilot and I personally am for a nerf. People are claiming a reason has not been given by SOE for the nerf, and this is not entirely true. They have, just not openly. On Command Center they stated that the reason for the nerf is that it is OP in dogfights. Skilled dogfighting is centered entirely around being able to pull the maneuver off. There are no other options, and if you can't pull it off then you lose the dogfight. While I am not in favor for a complete removal of the maneuver, it should be far more situational, and not a requirement to dogfight. Please do note that I haven' t been on the test server so I do not know wether or not the reverse maneuver has been nerfed too much. I am simply saying it needs at least some nerf.