Rofl, SOE... the idiocy of the TR burster Max exceeds my predictions.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leo Di Caprio, May 24, 2013.

  1. Leo Di Caprio

    You need 34 bullets to kill an ESF with anyone (52 damage per bullet), you turned the TR max into a 22 bullet machine if compared to the same timer as the rest, meaning about a second less being 34 bullets.

    What kind of ride do you guys get on before you do these things? you had bursters in everyone's mouth for about 7 months, now you decided it would be a great idea to buff it on one side, LOL.

    The VS equivalent is on the same path, it's even stronger with 21 bullets, the difference? it does not get bullet speed on it's shots which is sort of at least a relief.

    Guys, tell me the name of your theme park host, I want some of what you have been riding.

    Please don't tell me this was your big plan to get everyone off NC because of the flinch change.

    This is a thread linked to me by a friend via IRC, I want to know why all his threads were locked even if corrected.

    Mr. DonC was banned for uh... I don't know... speaking openly in promotion weekends? I just thought this would be correct to discuss, forgive me for using his same wording, many copycats roam the world.

    Please don't ban me for telling you the truth.
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  2. The guy

    Lol, you go gurl!
  3. The guy

    So many bumps on the road.
  4. The guy

    Oh and by the way, locked is at least something that existed, this was swept under the rug and deleted.
  5. The guy

    And he watered down the party some more.
  6. InfraRedPS

    1 vs 1, is it possible for the ESF to respond quickly enough to the direction of the flack so that they can get behind the MAX and kill him before he can unlock, turn and fire? If the ESF can't then I agree it's too much, because with two MAXes you definitely wouldn't be able to respond in time, and it's rare to be up against only one solo MAX in this game (don't forget server merges for extra spam!)
  7. The guy

    No, it takes 2 seconds for an ESF to turn via reverse maneuver, this is provided the AA max did not wipe his *** with you within the 2 seconds it takes for him to kill you as you tried to pass.

    Just humoring you before this gets deleted again because knowledge is verboten in here.
  8. Leo Di Caprio

    There, there, darling.

    Aiming to go down in a blaze of glory in the forums as usual? you know how mods react to posts they delete, you also know why, your post should have never happened.

  9. NoXousX

    We all knew this was coming. So did they. They just chose to pretend it wouldn't be an issue. The average player hates aircraft because they suck at using them. They are offended that players get kills in ways in which they cannot... so it caters to them.

    Somehow a certain individual or two within SOE (probably towards the top) still find aircraft to be dominant... which blows my mind seeing as only the best players are still around flying.

    But hey, keep buffing AA, and keep nerfing aircraft. I'll still farm from above.
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  10. Leo Di Caprio

    One would think people would already be complaining about this, it just shows how many people actually have an idea of what is going on with aircraft.

    I think the problem may root upon ****** envy, dev can't play at the same level as the pro pilot, witch hunt ensues.

    People clueless about balance should not get near it.