[RMA] TR Military Outfit Recruiting

Discussion in 'PlayStation 4 Outfit Recruitment' started by Baugi47, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. Baugi47

    Thanks for the shout out and welcome back to PS2. We missed your sundy convoys. Im sure we'll meet on the battlefield soon
  2. SoLiDxX12

  3. SoLiDxX12

    Lock and Load RMA for Tuesday Op Night. Ready to kill us some terrorists and spandex lovers...

    Join us today, apply at www.RMAgaming.com
  4. Baugi47

    Thursday Op night is upon us and we have some fresh blood and skill to showcase to our enemies tonight.

    RMA recruitment is open to all mature loyal players to the TR.

    Apply today @ www.rmagaming.com
  5. SoLiDxX12

    The new construction update will soon be release on the PS4 and we are getting ready for it. The Armor Division is currently looking for some experienced Harasser/Prowler gunners/drivers. We have some great team-oriented players that willing to help any newcomer and skill players . We will give you the knowledge and support to improve your skills and get familiar with our tactics and strategies. We will soon be training for the Ant and construction update and start brainstorming for tactics and ways to use every vehicle efficiently.

    We are also recruiting for an infantry and air division. We run tight squads, and rely on teamwork to get the job done.

    If you are interested, Fill up your application @ www.RMAgaming.com and come join our brotherhood.
  6. SoLiDxX12

    Great Joint Ops this week with our allies INCH, SNAX,1AIR and XLOS. It is a started for a new era in TR, establishing good relationships with all in preparation for the construction update. Come join us and be in the front line for the war in auraxis, fill up an application at www.RMAgaming.com
  7. SoLiDxX12

  8. bOzhenka

    good luck in fight guys))))
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  9. SoLiDxX12

    We just noticed we had some issues with our applicant system these past few weeks, so anyone that applied recently and didn't get an answer from us apply again now www.RMAgaming.com .

    Sorry for any inconvenience.
  10. Arcmagik

    This guild still seems active. I only played PS2 briefly on PC but just recently acquired my PS4. Soon as I saw PS2 was on it I downloaded immediately. I use to play PS1 when it first released way back in the day as a member of the TR Air Cavalry under PaperCup. Planetside just seems like a game that requires an Outfit to be fun from my experiences from back in the day!
    • Up x 1
  11. SoLiDxX12