Return the Indar Warpgates to their pre-Patch Setup

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Linh, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. NovaAustralis

    The TR left an awful mess in the WG up north... we're sending the cleaners bill.

    And don't any of you Vanu touch my stuff... if it's not there when we eventually rotate back to the original WG positions, I'm coming for ya!
  2. t31os

    I am TR and i approve of warpgate rotation, it helps keep things fresh and add some variety to fight locations.

    I'd give a more in-depth analysis of how it plays out, but havn't been able to play properly since the patch due to stuttering and overall performance problems, which i'm praying the hotfix will help with.

    In theory, it stands to be a great addition to the game, there's nothing quite as boring as playing out the same fights in the same places, over and over, and over, and over.... and over..
  3. SE7ENofN9NE

    they should switch them around... but instead of it being 'whoever has north indar wg gets half the map on easy mode', they should balance the map. would rather have it balanced for all then everyone taking a turn having an advantage.
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