[Suggestion] Remove Warpgates - you have to fly to another continent (And new vehicle)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weterman, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. AxiomInsanity87

    Yeah no one would ever make it their immediate attention to blow this hulk up would they?. Hundreds of players would just let it own right?.

    Do sunderers have to spawn in it?.

    Engineer guns could possibly not work aboard it for balance?.

    Anyone can think up problems, its why they get paid less.
  2. AxiomInsanity87

    Great problem solving skills bro. That must be such a great asset to have.
  3. Weterman

    It would be a good idea to allow sunderers to spawn on it, it would be an easy target for any weapon.

    Say the outside of the ship has 65% damage resistance. If my math is right, a vanguard would do 726 damage to it with each shot. It takes the vanguard 4 seconds to reload. So say 6 vanguards are constantly shooting at it. 4356 damage every 4 seconds. So with 100,000 health, it would be dead in about 90 seconds. So, allowing repair sundys to spawn on it will increase the time it takes to kill.

    If you are asking about sundys you think they would just be glitchy on the ship, I doubt that would be a problem.

    A magrider can ride on top of a galaxy, so I think sunderers should be able to sit on a much heavier carrier with no trouble.

    You are right that engineer guns shouldn't work on it, but there should be 2 or 3 spear phalanx guns on each of the long sides, just so it has some defense against ground vehicles shooting at it. But no av guns on the belly. This would make it not be an op liberator used in the middle of a continent.
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  4. AxiomInsanity87

    Ok add a vehicle bay so its legit but it would be enclosed and 3 sundys can fit in it or whatever.

    It should probably have more turrets and the galaxy turret set for choice and upgrades. 100k hp seems reasonable to me as much more will be firing at it than a few tanks and the 3 sundys. There's also repair galaxies in the test server.

    I think it should have aircraft spawning bays as well and troop capacity for 50 including turret gunners if any.

    I listed some good ideas for drawbacks on the other page as you most likely saw. Even with membership it would take a lot of dedication to even be worth getting, let alone fly combat ready.
  5. Schizomatic

    This line of reasoning to make things more difficult, time-consuming and immersive has no end. If DBG actually caves and makes people walk or drive everywhere, and manages to open up the spaces between continents so you have to fly, boat or swim over the distances, someone else will be like, "We need to disable sprint, because people are getting from point to point too fast." and then they'll be asking every to move tactically, i.e. duck walk as default until we're low-crawling at .2 KPH from point to point. And then someone will ask for a nerf to legs...
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  6. AxiomInsanity87

    I just want some kind of flying fortress. I don't care about any of that lol.
  7. necromancer32

    ok, so I don't really care about this ocean-travel thing. Kinda think it sucks. BUT this aircraft carrier idea has me hooked. As soon as you mentioned it and that other guy posted concept pictures, my mind instantaneously exploded with tons of ideas about this. *As a note, I do realize that all this will never happen, and although it would be the most awesome of awesome things ever to happen, it is just my imagination. I enjoy just thinking these kinds of things up.* And so we begin (in no particular order):

    #1: Huge, huge health. It will take many minutes (10? 15?) of sustained fire from the outside to take it down. But this is not the way it will most likely be taken down. (see further points)

    #2: It is not like other ships, with "seats" people fill (aside from captain) but rather a physical space like a small base, where infantry can walk and function as on land. There would be a spawn room that functions as normal.

    #3: Rather than simply be destroyed, it can be taken down by overloading generators in its engine room. At that point, the beast loses its propulsion and begins to fall. After it falls below a certain height, it will explode. This gives it a tug-of-war mechanic similar to bases that makes it more of a small battle to take it down rather than one hard hit from vehicles.

    #4: It can only fly above a certain height threshold (high above any Hossin trees or Amerish mountains, or any landscape). The only place to spawn this is at your warpgate, at the top, and the captain can only fly horizontally, not descend (to avoid being OP). This height would be high enough such that any infantry would die upon fall (also must prevent LA troopers from jumping and surviving, somehow).

    #4a: Possibly would be almost to space, where gravity is lower (ie jumping slower/higher). Could be some really interesting combat on top. Gravity normal below deck.

    #5: There would be a few turrets along the outside. Not too many, but enough to defend itself from aerial attacks somewhat.

    #6: There would be a drop-pod bay from which soldiers could drop in a similar fashion to instant action pods. Possibly 20 pod-bays total? (10 on each side of carrier hull) Each time a soldier enters a pod, it drops him, which initiates a timer for that pod-bay before it can be used by the next soldier. Basically this just limits the speed at which each bay can be used, and therefore, the rate at which soldiers may be dropped. This timer would have to be carefully chosen, so as to not be OP through spamming (hundreds of soldiers dropping on one base all at once? um, no).

    #7: There would be no vehicle terminals (haha that'd be so OP), but there would be infantry and air terminals.

    #8: It would cost several thousand certs to unlock. It would cost 750 resources, with a several hour acquisition timer. Each empire may only have one carrier on each continent at a time.

    #9: There are tons of possibilities for upgrades on this behemoth, so it can fill a variety of support roles. (anything from floodlights that illuminate the ground beneath it, to some sort of supply drop every once in a while. Honestly, the possibilities are endless)

    Ok, so I probably forgot some stuff, but I will try to post more if I remember anything else.
  8. Weterman

    There are a few problems with what you said.

    3. Infantry can spawn on this, and it will be high up in the sky. So destroying this would be impossible, it would be like trying to take a base with galaxies only, that would be the only way infantry could get on the ship.

    4. Why can't it change its height? Being able to fly low will not make it OP. You would only be able to spawn on the ship if it is deployed, and it can't move while deployed, and has to be above a certain height.

    4a. Just unnecessary, fighting wouldn't be fun because in the air it's hard to aim.

    5. There would be more than a few. The ship would be huge, so it would need enough turrets to defend every corner of it, and something around 50 would be good.

    6. Drop pods wouldn't be needed, the ship would be most useful to take another continent, so you would drop into the sea most of the time if you used the drop pods. If the ship was in the middle of a continent, it would be shot down quite easily, being seen across the map.

    7. Why would they be op? It would be nearly impossible to take a continent having no ground vehicles. And loadstars would be transporting the vehicles one by one to the ground, so it would actually be very hard to make use of the ground vehicles.

    8.Why only one? There should be a large no deploy zone around an already deployed carrier, so a squad that all has the cert can't just bunch them together, but say 3 or 4 spaced out along the outside of a continent to take it would be interesting, as the other team would also have carriers, so there could be a ship battle, sort of like how they had in ww2.
  9. AxiomInsanity87

    Both good points weterman and necromancer.
  10. Weterman

    I'm working on a model of my idea of what the ship should look like.
  11. necromancer32

    OK, so let me start out by saying, I think we are imagining two different ideas entirely. While you are imagining this as an ocean-transport plus continent takeover vehicle, I really just took the carrier idea and ran with it. I wasn't really thinking of it in the sense that you are, I believe. I was more seeing it as a support vehicle for flying over continents that are being fought for already.

    So, in response to your points:

    #3: I agree that it may be too hard to capture that way, but there could possibly be some other way to get on it? I'm not entirely sure, but I just think that your death-star-esque tunnel idea sounds cool in theory, but would be really hard to navigate through. Plus, when the enemy has a few galaxies or liberators blocking off the tunnels, they could easily sit there for a few minutes and blow the reactor or whatever sphere thing. I just feel like it should be a bit harder to take down, is all.

    #4: I was going to list a few reasons why it would be OP, but I re-read your post and realized what you were saying. So you say that people can only stand/spawn/ride when it is deployed? I do like the idea of deploying and being stationary, with some added benefits. But if you say it can only be deployed above a certain height, why not have it fly above a certain height? I don't really see any reason you would want to fly low if you cant deploy there; you would be closer to the enemy on the ground. Oh but if you have all these turrets on the ship, having these in range of the ground would be like having a nigh-invincible fleet of galaxy/liberators.

    #4a: eh, just an idea, would be kinda interesting, but not necessary, as I said :)

    #5: Welll, if it has too many, and could easily fend off all attackers, how would it be taken down?

    #6: Well I was talking about dropping troops down to avoid spamming a spawn, and regulating the flow of soldiers. Again, this was just kind of a miscommunication on my part, as I am imagining this flying above continents.

    #7: For one, IF people are walking/fighting on this vehicle, then it would be OP to have vehicles able to spawn and drive/fight on carrier because that would be imbalanced. IF the vehicles were only spawned via lodestar, it would enable MBTs or sunderers to fight on top of buildings, mountains, etc etc that they were not supposed to get to. There are vehicle terminals on the ground, so let them use the roads like they are supposed to! ;P

    #8: Well this could be subject to change, but if they are not limited, you could have spamming. But yeah I think 2-4 would be reasonable with a very wide no-deploy zone (that is, if they cant do anything when not deployed anyway).

    So anyway, I think we were really just thinking of two different, equally awesome roles that this carrier could fill. I thought of it more as an empire support ship with abilities such as hot-dropping and supply drops, etc, whereas you were thinking of it more as a locked continent conquest ship that could get a faction onto another continent to assault it.

    As a side note, empire specific carriers would be BADASS. like u know the vanu style would be more sleek and mysteriously propelled, TR would be organized and intimidating looking, and NC would be kind of scrapped together somewhat and have smoky engines. Probably more work than it's worth, but would be amazing if done well. Cheers!