Question: If I delete my character...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fish225, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Fish225

    If I delete a character, how long before the name is available? I have a low level character used to reserve a name, but now would like to use the name on a different character. What kind of wait am I looking at?

    During beta, it was like a week before you could use the name. I tried using the search, but was unable to find any results for this topic. :/
  2. Leo Di Caprio

  3. Raichu

    Its right away. But you have to exit the client first I believe
  4. GTGD

    What is the name of the character you are reserving? I can help you out and let you know when it is available.
  5. omega4

    That all depends on what the name is.

    What IS the name, by the way?

  6. cfnz

    I've deleted and created a new character using the same name immediately and without restarting.
  7. RobotNinja

    Usually, it's immediate. Every once in a while it might bug and the name might be locked out/reserved for a while.
  8. Fish225

    Thanks all for the help. For those of you asking the name is "OMGGreatestNameEVAAAAAAARexclamationpoint"
    • Up x 1
  9. riker

    hahahahaha best reply ever