[PTS] Major change to knife mechanics.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by FCAvenger, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. UberBonisseur

    Am I the only one here not disliking the quick knife ?
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  2. Archiadus

    The ability to instantly knife while shooting is ridiculous, it's got nothing to do with getting outplayed it's a mechanic that's clearly broken / not working as it should. I abuse the * out of it on my stalker cloak setup with the hunter bow yet I won't mind if they changed it because even though I'm using it to insta-gib people I still think it's ridiculous how easy it to do that.
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  3. SShocK

    I hope they change it. Quickknife is ridiculous.
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  4. Regpuppy

    Problem being PS2 clientside hit detection. There have been countless times when an infiltrator was not within hugging/knifing range on my screen, but he just barely finishes me with a knife hit because I was apparently hugging him on his mid-shooting.
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  5. Latrodectus

    And the plot un-thickens.
  6. JOups

    Why not keep both things?
    Lower the dmg of instant knife.
    Make the other variants stronger, higher range etc, different.

    I think take one ability away and introduce a new one, is not bad, but not good too.

    Well they implemented this to open the way for more and new meele stuff, i hope this will turn out well.

    Well, i dont mind if they take out QK.

    Maybe they could do this. Once you knifed, the knife will stay equiped unless you swap back to your weapon.
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  7. Maljas23

    I think they should replace the quick-knife with a rifle butt/pistol whip that requires the animation to fully play before dealing dmg. The knife can be still be equipped via number keys or scroll wheel.

    Maybe with this change our Chainblade will get it's "saw" portion back like in PS1.
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  8. Defengar

    If they do implement new melee weapons, not just knife reskins, I will be VERY excited. I think that they could add a very interesting dynamic in combo with different implants.

    Imagine heavies being able to wield some sort of sword with an electric current running through the blade that causes a short EMP to happen if they smack enemy vehicles with it. This would allow them time to try and get away, or apply C4.

    infiltrators with dual knives. basically when you strike with them, both knives would hit the target in about 1.5 times the amount of time it takes the current knife to hit, and would be a one shot kill on non max's and heavies. However these knives would take time to equip, and take a fair amount of time to switch from, so unless your very skilled, your can be taken down by enemies with guns that notice you very easily.
  9. Goretzu

    I can't imagine they'll let people have swords etc. and still quick knife, that would be rather deadly with the perma-cloak.

    Maybe it'll be a membership only option....... UPGRADE NOW!
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  10. Paragon Exile

    I've only ever been knifed a few times, and it takes two stabs to kill, so it was never a big deal.

    Still, even less panic knifing is never a bad thing.
  11. NovaAustralis


    Now if they could allow pistols and knives to be duel-wielded at the cost of some accuracy, that would be cool.

    Also, it would be good to have to equip grenades, but provide us with the ability to choose throw strength/distance and with some sort of UI graphics to show where the grenade will end up when we throw it.
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  12. johnway

    I don't know but can you cook grenades in this game? everytime i lob a grenade it just bounces off someones head or not where i want it to go.

    Anyway back on topic. I suppose the Quick knife is a cheap tactic that i use hell of a lot as a last chance spam button against someone upclose. But my feelings are:

    If someone is doing it to me (like some dirty infiltrator coward who won't stand toe to toe with a NMG activated LMG welding Heavy) - I say yes this is great.

    If i was doing the slashing - i'd say no.

    In reality - I will just adjust to it and or not use it at all as its generally marginal how much i use it. But i wouldn't mind keeping in a weapon melee button. Doesn't do much damage but at least i could use it. But then if its not implemented properly then you might as well not bother with that feature.

    But who knows weldable melee weapons could make for some interesting weapon loadouts and unlocks. But it will make me wonder how it will play out.
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  13. Alarox

    I don't mind, personally. I imagine many people will be either upset or disappointed. I never had much of an issue with it nor have I used it much.
  14. gigastar

    None of the knives have thier custom FX hailing from PS1, since theyre never out for more than a half second at a time it did seem kind of pointless.

    Anyway, if its going to be like CS where having your knife out makes you move that little bit faster, then i approve.
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  15. Souleater

    The problem then is the hit detection, not the knife mechanic?
  16. Killerdude8

    Wait what?
    Complaining about the Knife?

    Am I the only one who considers the knife to be the worst weapon in the game?
    It is so unbelievably broken, I tried to Knife someone the other day, and it missed despite being dead centered on the guy, It wasn't a problem at the time, As I was sporting my Trusty Blackjack..
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  17. Kunavi

    Step 2 should be... To have a proper Knife Kill animation which exposes you while you do it, like in BF. Bind that to MouseWheel since knives and such will know have to be equipped and used with LMB. Step 3 : BLOCK with RMB ;P
  18. pnkdth

    Wonderful, one mechanic that we, hopefully, can cross off the checklist. Next step, being able to cook grenades.
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  19. K2k4

    I'm for this option.
    Stronger 'equippable' knives/swords/etc, but leave the 'current' knifing mechanics in the game.

    I mean the original knifing ability gives you all sorts of opportunity to assassinate a target from up-close as an infiltrator or light assault. On top of that, everybody has this ability, everybody, so it's not like its an 'unfair advantage'.
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  20. Pikachu

    Btw you can't even use the knife atm, you can only punch with your left fist and the knife is held in reverse grip.