Pistols & Rocket launchers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kon, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Kon

    Just a Quick Thread..

    how cool would it be to have different sights for pistols kinda like reflex 1x and 2x at the very least i mean they do exist in real life


    just saying id cert reflex sight on a pistol.

    also more sights for Rocket Launchers , like Reflex options / IRNV for Default Dumb fire also INRV / thermal for lock on rockets some variety on rocket launchers would be cool as well..

    Nothing else to say
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  2. xen3000

    I just want a TR ironsight on my Mag-Shot.
  3. Guidaux

    i was always disappointed in the upgrades to a pistol. they should have more options than just sights added. the sight upgrades to launchers would be cool though.
  4. Dingus148

    No operator puts a reflex on the pistol. It hinders your draw, and your pistol is only for when your rifle runs dry in CQB. While I get what you're saying, I think it's silly to justify it based on "real life". The reality is if you're drawing your pistol, you're in a world of trouble. Ironsights, in this scenario, allow for quicker target acquisition and speed is everything. Accuracy comes second to landing shots on the bad guy ASAP, because once you hit him (even glance him) he can't aim accurately and you have the advantage. Once you've hit him, you can place your shots and double-tap him.
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  5. Blarg20011

    I just want 6x scopes on the revolvers when they come out...

    In all seriousness, I really wish we could get the sights we have on the armistice on our pistols.
  6. Kon

    even different ironsights whatever, but SOE have stated that they made every attachment for every gun, and then chose which ones they wanted. So looking at pistols it might explain why there is a rail for a reflex type sight to fit on yet there is no reflex sights or other sights to put on there. ( As you can see in Screenshot )

  7. Sumguy720

    Woah! Is that what other iron sights look like? The VS have a big circle that blocks your target while you aim.
  8. Blarg20011

    If you don't play TR, the Armistice's sights are the kind that real world pistols have, not the ghost ring crap we have now.
    they look kinda like this
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  9. Kon

    You mean

  10. Blarg20011

    I hate you...
  11. FlayvorOfEvil

    I don't like how whenever I fire the pistol at someone's head the recoil brings it so that the main body of the pistol blocks my view of the enemy so i have no idea where to look. I'd love to have even just a x1 reflex sight attachment for my pistol. Considering how I ran into a group of enemies hiding in a room as a medic and massacred them all with a pistol and knife because I ran out of ammo. Surprisingly I didn't even lose all of my shields.
  12. the pestimist

    I would buy a relex sight on my nc pistol I prefer reflex sights over all others.
  13. the pestimist

  14. Kon

  15. Chipskream

    Isnt that cute. You see, in whatever year PS2 plays, they have de-invented some things. Apparently scopes for pistols are among those things. Theyre in tech-heaven, next to parachutes and fighterjets that pass 350 kp/h.
  16. Kon

    ...... just saying more cert sinks the better right?
  17. Marked4Death

    I'm pretty sure they said they are looking at more attachments for secondaries on FNO
  18. Loegi

    "Public Service Announcement"
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  19. phreec

    If anything this game should have less of that IRNV nonsense...
  20. Redshift

    I'd like to be able to put a 3.4 scope on mine tbh, half the time i'm using a shotgun and the pistol becomes useful only for taking 30 meter pot shots at infantry
