[BUG] Paid member position in queue increased?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VV4LL3, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. VV4LL3

    How in the freaking world does my position in queue increase while a paid member? Are there EXTRA tier paid members to bump me down? wth...

    Went from #2... to #23... then waited count down to #17..... then to #32....
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  2. melioa

    i agree, it has happened to me a lot of times too. they need to stop this faction balance crap, all because a certain person was butt hurt over this years ago. we need players to be in the game, not in the stupid wait time que that never seems to go down. if they think by keeping these wait times on it will force people to go to Hossin or Oshur they are wrong, they would rather log out than be forced to go play there.
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  3. VV4LL3

    Mind blown.
    Too true. Mind blown.
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