Over-pop and planetary bonuses

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by adamts01, May 19, 2017.

  1. DeadlyOmen

    (of a constant or other quantity) of unspecified value

    Association to arbitrary: there are no physical laws in the game, and an infinite number of variables that can affect perception of weapon performance and population. Arbitrary.

    You admitted that emotion is a reason to justify the Candylanding. Emotion negates reason, and for that reason, one doesn't discount another's words as much as the speaker does.
  2. adamts01

    Don't look at it like moving backwards. PS2 tried something different, and it sucks. So it's either try to re-engineer the wheel or go back to a tried and true lattice system like PS1 had.

    Just because you don't care about XP doesn't mean others don't. I'm trying to get my 2nd and 3rd faction characters up to speed, and if one of them was given 2x XP for being 10% under-pop I'd switch sides, the grind in this game is real, and maxed out vehicles and abilities make a night and day difference. People play for all kinds of reasons. Some like completing every weapon challenge, some want to see their name on the leader board, some want to troll and just mess up someone else's day. I normally play for just having fun, but sometimes I'll hop in my ant just to grind out as many certs as I can in the quickest manor to get the next level of upgrade that I'm chasing. I bet if you gave +10% XP for every % a faction was under-pop, you'd never see more than a 5% difference, and the game would be better for it.

    I absolutely agree with you there. Getting rid of redeploy wouldn't fix everything, but it would fix about half of these problems.
  3. DeadlyOmen

    I think the best option is wide-open gameplay. Let the players play.
  4. adamts01

    I'm all for that, but you can't neglect your foundation. You need a good system to start with or the game won't make it. PS2 does a lot of things right, but they also do a lot of things worse than their predecessor. Sure, you love the game how it is, but they've had to close servers to keep the game alive, it's clear that not enough people love the game as it is. Saying it is what it is and expecting players to shut up and like it is a recipe for disaster. Name a single MMO that doesn't balance as players and the meta evolve.
  5. DeadlyOmen

    Battleground Europe stuck to it's guns quite a bit. The resource war was hated, but they kept it- making some very rich gameplay.

    Regarding foundation, I totally agree. As important as building a good foundation is maintaining it. Changing course with every forum cryfest won't help.
  6. AllRoundGoodGuy

    There are plenty of physical laws, gravity, bullets don't change direction mid-flight, vehicles don't randomly explode(not that often).

    As for anything else: NANITES FIX EVERYTHING
    • Up x 1
  7. adamts01

    Labeling every criticism as a cyfest won't help either. There's a middle ground you kow, between devs giving in to every crybaby and devs not considering any feedback.
  8. Demigan

    This is nonsense that doesn't have anything to do with what I said, or even things you've said so far.

    I've not "admitted" anything, I've presented you with the fact that everything here happens because of emotions, and that you are one of the most emotional in that respect.

    Also as I've already told you, this has nothing to do with "candylanding", if anything you are once again your own candylander, asking for things that are UP or impractical to stay that way and by doing so keep other mechanics OP.
  9. velie12

    what you basically say here is that modifying the game is always arbitrary, and that you cannot say anything about it. Besides why do you think there are no laws ingame?
    • Up x 1
  10. DeadlyOmen

    *Physical* laws
  11. DeadlyOmen

    Inability to understand does not preclude existence.
  12. Demigan

    I understand all right, but its rich that you blame me for misunderstanding while you dont even know when "arbitrary" applies and when not even after looking it up
  13. DeadlyOmen

    Unwillingness to accept that one engages in arbitrary reasoning and action does not, by default, make them immune to the practice.
  14. velie12

    Does that matter? If there are laws, changes are not arbitrary since you can expect a certain effect when you make a certain change.
  15. Demigan

    Once again: if you have a reason its not arbitrary anymore. Educate yourself. Also if anyone is arbitrary its you, with random acts and words scribbled everywhere and not even the capacity to understand the words you yourself use.
  16. DeadlyOmen

    [Once again: if you have a reason its not arbitrary anymore.[/quote]
    (of a constant or other quantity) of unspecified value

    Please produce the equation proving you are not engaging in arbitrary reasoning.
  17. DeadlyOmen

    It does matter, for the reason you gave.
  18. velie12

    But Planetside 2 has some kind of (physical)* laws:

    if hp=0 then something dies
    you will reach your destination faster if you drive/fly faster in the right direction
    you cannot walk or fall through walls and floors
    you can flip a point by being in a certain range

    * note that not all things I list could be considered physical laws
  19. DeadlyOmen

    You have listed "what" not "how".

    Without a "how", one cannot understand "why", nor make a change that will have predictable results.
  20. DeadlyOmen

    You have listed "what" not "how".

    Without a "how", one cannot understand "why", nor make a change that will have predictable results.