[Suggestion] Orbital Strike

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ElricVIII, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. JojoTheSlayer

    This is a timelaps video of Flail shells, the PS1 artillery vehicle,... as you can see, in a group. It was spammy.
    With some modification. Artillary vehicles could still work though, but not as current vehicles. It would need harsher limits.

    Oh and... Welcome to PlanetSide, LoL.
  2. LodeTria

    Fine, but if you call one in and you're in enemy territory your faction can no longer capture the base for 10 minutes.
    Also it costs 750 nanites and stops nanite regeneration for 30 minutes.
    It will also weapons lock you for 5 minutes.
  3. Shiaari

    Orbital strikes were in the original PlanetSide, and were kind'a cool. It would be nice to have them back.

    However, I disagree completely with the OP on how it should be implemented.

    Orbital strikes need to be attached to command certification, battle rank, and command participation. In other words, only very, very few people need to have the capability to call in orbital strikes.

    You should be:
    • BR100
    • In active Platoon Command role
    • Possess the requisite certification
    Further, orbital strikes should be region specific, with a region wide cool down. In other words, no multiple orbital strikes in a given area. Yeah, orbital strikes are an elitist thing.
  4. Mongychops

    Maybe an "orbital EMP cannon", which affects vehicles, which a platoon leader has access to, but this game has enough death to explosive spam without point and click artillery strikes.

    Honestly, vehicle zergs can usually be bypassed by flying around them to the next base and backcapping them. If they really do annoy you and your friends, I suggest the following.

    Step 1: Cut a hole in a box Get a squad spawn valkyrie with some certs in stealth.

    Step 2: Fly to the flight ceiling.

    Step 3: Get your squadmates to spawn in with drifter jets and C4 (or simply as heavy assaults)

    Step 4: Fly over the enemy vehicle zerg from a side/rear angle, still at the flight ceiling. Drop -> C4/deci -> die.

    Step 5: Keep dropping and squad spawning until an enemy aircraft spots you, then bail yourself.

    Step 6: Share the rage-tells you receive with each other.
    • Up x 1
  5. Call-Me-Kenneth

    they should add Graboids to indar and equivalent beasts to other conts.

    that way the more players are together, the more uneasy they will feel, knowing their engines/footsteps are just luring the beasts in.
  6. DefendYourBase

    I would have to agree some kind of artillery vehicle at the least doing this kind of stuff...

    Or giant airships that sit up in the atmosphere dropping huge *** bombs or artilleryish things.
  7. Pelojian

    it sounds good for anti-zerg, but what happens when the zerg leader uses it to rack up kills from defenders that are outpopped?

    if it is tied to rank then everyone will get it and spam it eventually, if it's tied to participation of outfits/platoons a very small group of people will have the power to destroy any semblance of fun to randoms and lone wolves at a whim. nice 24vs24 you don't like? nuke the defenders and then drop your platoon in to ensure the point is retaken and held.

    regardless of how it is done it will become another tool of the zerg and the tool of a group of serious players to stomp down players that are less serious about playing and want to just enjoy the game experience of fighting regardless if they care about the lattice or not.

    Teamwork and numbers are the overpowering advantages in this game we do not need some kind of cheap super C4 to make less serious players rage even more that their fun is being ruined by ****** players.
  8. Crayv

    Get indoors with a MAX or wait until they use up their OSs and then mow them down.

    If it took 4 hours to charge and half'd resource regen. With no membership you would normally produce 12,000 resources. You could pull 26 MBTs/MAXs in that time. The people with OSs couldn't even pull an MBT/MAX because they would only have 375 resources total and the their ability to grrenade and medkit spam would also be severly reduced. This means the zerg would fail the moment they encounter an armor column that is spread out a bit or try to take a biolab (good luck taking a biolab when you can't pull MAXs but the enemy can).

    Also if a zerg of 48 used it on a group of 12 then that means they only get at most 12 kills. Everyone in the squad however would get 48 kills. The number of kills would be the same. So that would be rather balanced.
  9. Rentago

    technically if they are smart and knowledgeable about PS2 before even getting into it, currently ranking from 1-15 allows you to unlock a lot of neccessities. However a lot of NEW players don't know what is good, what is a necessity to spend certs on.
  10. Rentago

    To be honest, I think the issue is that they aren't using their cash shop at all efficiently. For example, we still don't have any cool flash accessories, we don't have any aircraft accessories, infantry armor accessories for both max and infantry.

    Technically if anything COOL was made to fill those lacking areas they'd have people giving them money, the only thing they've done is pump out garbage camo and various terrible and some OK helmets.

    The idea that they think they are gonna make much revenue at all when they kinda avoid giving people what they want is kinda stupid on their part.
  11. cbplayer

    If you want to add them, here my idea.
    Make them a reward for capturing a large base, such as a techplant.
    Say to be able to use them, you need to be the leader of a platoon who had capture a techplant (and techplants are bloody hard to capture, you would need to be a pretty good leader to capture them).

    Sense there 3 techplants per map, there would only be 3 people capable of using OBS in a whole map, and they would be pretty good leaders if you could capture an enemy techplant.

    To the platoon leader could use it every 1-2 hours, with no BR or daybreak cash requirements.
    And this is coming from a person who hates the concept.

    Also somewhat related
    Here a cool video about how real life kinetic weapons would look.
  12. FateJH

    I apologize but I was not talking about your good idea. I shall continue down that route, however.
    Pish posh. I've seen armor columns crumble under normal player activity using HAs. Heck, I normal a TR. I'm very well acquainted with having to accommodate a lack of significant AV, especially on Esamir when without a Tech Plant, through use of Lightnings and AV Harassers, both of which are well within your resource costs. ESFs are within 375res too, and they can be even more dangerous against Ground units. As far as Biolabs are concerned, MAXes are not essential; they pack a punch initially but they crumble against numbers just like every other unit in the game.
    Players only die to one Orbital Strike and then are immune to every subsequent one? this mechanic wasn't outlined in the proposal.

    In any case, under your scenario, all 12 defenders have Orbital Strikes available, which means you are also terribly inconvenienced against the 48 platoon/zerg. All the 48 need is a thirteenth Orbital Strikes on standby and you're no better off than when you started. It also means you couldn't pull that MAX as I assume you had counted yourself as one of the 12, and it's going to cost the lot of you in the tank zerg and Biolab scenario too due to the resource deficiency. When the Ground vehicles, or the Air vehicles, the consumerables, or the MAXes, are cheaper due to continent bonus, at least one of which is going to be a very probable case on servers with generally lopsided population, that 375 resource cap isn't going to be as constricting to those people who actually need the break.