Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. nella

    Me and the outfit I'm in ran around destroying everything within 300 meter, sundies hidden behind rocks, sniping infantry in towers etc. It is borderline OP.
  2. Phattie

  3. Chiss

    Sure. At least the missile would slam right into my face, and put my out of my misery and regret.
  4. drNovikov

    Any of previous launchers (even overnerfed Annihilator) or an AV turret will do that job a lot faster, and user will remain a lot safer.
  5. LordMondando

    No, its not. But I still struggle to see how in that given situation the phoniex as its stands is more effective than the Crow.

    If it was a bit slower and you could reliable turn around corners say when a magrider moved out of lock, then I'd say you have point. but for its lack of range and difficulty of use, if I wanted to face off against armour as a group. I'd order people to pull crows before I did phoenix as it stands.

    I don't think its as terrible as some people are making out, I just don't think its better than anything in the situations (long range) its meant to be good at.

    simple at range its the crow easily, better range, more damage, more likely to hit.
  6. N0008918

    Why would i ever consinder guiding this rocket to its target. The damage is not the best but ok. Try to manouver it and it dissapers in thin air because you reched the fantastic limit of 300m. Really 300m? You can shoot 300m with a slingshot. If you miss you have to try to crash it or simply enjoy the view. The only revard you will get is a headshot.

    Make it 500m and it could actually be fun to manouver to the target and it still would not be better or more effective then any other launcher ingame.
  7. LordMondando

    It one shots infantry, the VR training area is confusing that issue.

    Its a bugger to hit anyone with and has no splash damage though, so its not the megasniper 9000 some people are making it out to be.
  8. Turiel =RL=

    I honestly wonder how people can be so naive to expect the Phoenix to be good. You have seen what happend to the Jackhammer and you know that there are tons of Rocket Launchers available that are obviously much better. It works against MAXs but nothing else.
  9. redpoint

    Its so good that we were even afraid that it is going to be nerfed to death. Well, after reading this thread i don't think it will ! :eek:
  10. DoctorWhose

    Well, you should judge how it performs in the hands of a single person first, not how it performs in groups. Every weapon is OP when used multiple times at once.
  11. Lemik

    sorry for my English! there is simply no limit to my dismay. Very much looking forward to the game until introduce Phoenix. And that day. Sorry I do not know swear words, I would have described about the phoenix. Unreal handling, a very small length of the projectile, and sometimes the shells themselves flying, not allowing it to operate. And where is the great damage that the developers have promised? (first to 10 times lead one to the target). The feeling that the developers wanted to spit on NC. Initially cut anigilyator. Now slip the catapult us instead of the normal weapons (catapult more sense to be). Not refuse to T2 Stricker (sort of a anigilyator with 5 missiles and 3 second capture)
  12. drNovikov

    In order to shoot from behind a cover you have to be 50 meters behind that cover. Because rockets are almost non-maneuverable. They need to be twice slower and twice more maneuverable.
  13. LordMondando

    My (reasonable i'd hope) proposal.

    Keep everything else as is, increase range to 400m at 400m drops off in 5 meters.
  14. Tragachinos

    -medium range
    -currently bugged as hell
    -low turning speed
    -can be shot down
    -low damage

    -Fun and unique mechanic

    So yeah, low turning speed and high travel speed makes it impossible to use at short range, so it can hit targets at 100-300m. Does about the same damage as shrike (even less to the aircrafts). Why would you ever prefer to use the phoenix instead of dumbfire/lock on launcher? What is this weapon for? Clearly not for long range sniping and firing from cover, thats for sure. Nor it is for short range, and at medium range it's less effective than lock on/dumbfire launchers (harder and more risky to use while dealing the same amount of damage).
    • Up x 1
  15. Odin

    Couldnt sleep so excited to get my hands on a pheonix, then i used it and wanted to smash my keyboard. Hard to use, have to sit there like a dummy while doing it, damage isnt what matt higby said it would be (cannot kill a tank with all 5 rockets). so it was a complete lie when we were told it had the same damage as the default launcher, it has the damage of a annihilator and has no range. so sad. Why exactly would you tell us it did good damage when it does crap damage?
    • Up x 2
  16. oLd.Sneakers

    Range is too low yes, or if you will the agility and velocity of the missle is too high.

    Lock on missles that hit people at 500 meter ranges > pheonix in effectiveness.
  17. Phizto

    The posts made so far, back at our forums, are not positive at all when it comes to the Phoenix's performance.

    My thoughts:
    • Turning rate is too slow
    • Damage is too low
    • Range is too short
    • [Bug] Controls are inverted if you use inverted flying controls and this is a major issue for me
    • [Bug] Missiles goes straight through infantry
    All in all: The Phoenix launcher is pretty much a piece of junk even though the concept is good.

    I will NOT buy this as long as it is performing like it is right now. I will keep using my Hawk and my Anti-vehicle turret instead.
  18. MykeMichail

    I should mention that whilst trying to guide my missiles over low obstacles I frequently hit the obstacle despite appearing to be about 4-5 m above it. Clearly the size of the 'vehicle' is oversized.
  19. Harkness

    The phoenix is currently bugged if you have a FOV of over 60, it will only dumbfire if you do, which is stupid and needs to be fixed asap.
  20. Qaz

    It IS fun to use. I played around with it in VR. One thing that's probably going to cause a lot of headaches is that the phoenix projectile is a vehicle, meaning that you will be able to hit the rear armour even if your character is not behind the tank. Only weapon that allows that.