New Implant Idea: Bloodthirst- please add to the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Daggerfell0929, Aug 3, 2022.

  1. Daggerfell0929

    I have always enjoyed the idea of a "leech" type build such as fury warrior in world of warcraft. As a fan of this game, I think it would be really cool to add an implant that emulates this effect whilst being balanced.

    Something like,
    "Every time you deal 100 damage you restore 2 health" does not work in MAX suits or vehicles
    r1-2 health
    r2- 3 health
    r3- 4 health
    r4 5 health
    r5- 6 health
  2. Liewec123

    Could be a bit op with something like thumper/lasher against a group ;)
    Fire a few nades at a chokepoint and get full HP :p

    I'm not saying it shouldn't be added, more variety is good! I'm just theorycrafting OP uses :)
    Honestly they need an update which just adds a ton of new implants!
  3. RRRIV

    I can see this being a medic exclusive implant tweaked just a little. instead of healing yourself, it increases the rate of heal from medigun by X% per 100 damage and lasts for X(low and fixed) amount of time, with R5 extending this benefit to rezing players at a rate similar to R1. makes combat medics more teamplay friendly as opposed to running carapice and being a heavy with a 30 round mag instead.
  4. Shatteredstar

    Chaingun go brr...never die!

    Adrenaline shield + this would make TR HAs godlike with the chaingun.
    • Up x 1
  5. Daggerfell0929

    yea as a medic exclusive would be good, and would not be abused by the heavy assault class.
  6. Liewec123

    Lacerta with lashing ammo, fire at a chokepoint, never die! ;)