[nerf] So when is the vanu nightcamo going to get nerfed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vaphell, Feb 21, 2015.

  1. Vaphell

    1. Why doesn't the same logic apply to default NC and TR camos then?
    2. In order to q-spot anything you actually have to notice it first.
    3. Please explain how vanu being on a level playing field at night with the rest would actually ruin gameplay.

    how is a clip of a disco party in a well lit room even remotely related to outdoorsy areas at night?
    I am hard pressed to find the relevancy.
  2. Onhil

    Have you even been on the test server lately? they are buffing the TR and NC's stock cammo pluss the blue, yellow and red things making them alot darker or changing the colours out to something else.

    Why nerf something when you could buff the other ones intsead?
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  3. Goldmonk

    Actually the Railjack is pretty pathetic because of the trigger delay. I'd rather take my RAMS over the Railjack anyday.
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  4. Ballto21

    The TR camo is also very dark even if they wont admit it, its fantastic at night and on esamir/some parts of indar.

    Try hunting a default camo TR infiltrator at night on amerish. Not fun.

    Also the NC camo isnt that bad on esamir day, primary blenidng in decently in the more icy areas, and at night on esamir this is even more so. At night on hossin and indar its also not that bad.

    Yes, your yellow bits are kind of bright, but its a secondary colour, your primary royal blue is pretty dark.
  5. Goldmonk

    Hunting a default VS infi is even worse. I will admit infis have pretty dark default camo, but I never use it. But aside from infis, TR stands out alot more than VS do.
  6. Ballto21

    At night, it really only stands out more on some parts of amerish and hossin. Other than that, the dark grey/beige white parts blend in decently on northern and the rockey indar parts as well as esamir.

    Many places on Amerish too.
  7. Goldmonk

    But our red will stand out and any good player worth his salt is gonna spot that in a heartbeat.
  8. Ballto21

    Red on everything but the maxes are rather small accents on the chest/knees. They are very, very small in the scale of the character model.
  9. Goldmonk

    That is true, but it is offset by the noise made by MAXes (a.k.a. the thumping and the clanking)
  10. MahouFairy

    1.) TR grey may be good in Easmir to an extent, but overall, TR has the worst looking uniforms. NC default yellow allows them to blend in Indar. VS purple? Hahaha try it in Easmir. Why don't you do the survey they always give when you create a character? Not sure about NC, but TR gets a dark red camo that may function just as well at night.
    2.) Get a habit to spam press Q whenever you can. You'll be surprised at how many "Spotted an enemy Heavy!" and "Watch your six! Enemy Infiltrator in the area!" you get.
    3.)The orbs of light fired by the VS is their undoing. Their RL comes with a free tracer that allows you to blast that HA as soon as he fires his RL. Other VS weapons are nowhere less flashy.
  11. Goldmonk

    1) That dark camo has quite a bit of red in it. I never use it because the new players use it too much and I have continent specific camo.
    2) I have tried that, and it works to a degree. If that person ducks behind cover, you lose the spot.
    3) Muzzle flash gives everyone away. I can't count the number of enemies have met their demise just because I spotted their muzzle flash.
  12. FnkyTwn

    Wow, I forget how much Vanu used to stick out like a sore thumb in the daylight, but there it is in all it's glory.

    Greys, Reds and Tans blend in so well into the environment, but nothing hides that dark and teal. It's certainly a little biased though that the daytime photo wasn't included. It's almost like you're trying to say having dark camo had no downside.
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  13. Goldmonk

    And you make it sound like their is no disadvantage to our default camo. Have you ever fought the Vanu inside a base? They blend in with the walls just as well as TR's grey.
  14. FnkyTwn

    I guess my point is that camo isn't really a factor unless you're brand new at the game. It's hard to see everybody at night depending on your settings. Ultra settings makes everything but the player glow at night, and camo just isn't a factor unless you're really really really really really looking for something to whine about.

    Next Up: Let's talk about how No Bullet Drop makes the Beamer the best sniper pistol in the game.
  15. Goldmonk

    Also, it's a factor if you have continent specific camo and are sniping at a distance. If you place yourself right, you are near invisible.
  16. MallowChunkage

    The... Railjack.
    Being arguably better than the other factions' ESSRs doesn't make it good, still worse than the longshot, parallax and RAMS within infantry render distance.
  17. Kevanov

    I cannot see NC standard camo on Esamir please nerf !

    this thread: /facepalm
  18. eldarfalcongravtank

    are you freaking serious here? you deliberately exclude daylight from this topic because YOU want to focus on nighttime and vanu happens to wear dark armor. and now you continue to cry for nerfs but ignore that dark camo is terrible for bright environments. you act like it's dark the entire time. also indar consists of 3/4th of desert and esamir is mostly covered in white snow, dont play that down

    and why would i need to post pictures? cant you just go ingame and see for yourself? dont tell me you've never seen a default vanu in bright deserts or snow

    seriously it seems you wont stop whining until vanu get flashing billboards above their heads. thank god not everyone is so blatantly ignorant in this community
  19. Bumbil




    I post this because i saw alot of "Vanu is too dark" - threads in the past and they always refer to the most possible darkest variant and claim that this is the global one, which is NOT! Consider this, please!

    And you should consider, like said before in thread, that NC and TR get some darker colors soon, too.

    €: Additional info to these pics. All are made with all settings on ultra EXCEPT for graphics quality.
  20. Crowne

    Someone clue me in please, but doesn't everyone have all kinds of camo's available?

    I think there are even some that don't cost money? Granted, I believe artists should be paid for their work but that's probably for another thread.

    Oddly enough, when I put on completely black camo (w/ gray flames), I seem to become a bullet magnet. If I use (for example) Giraffe on Indar, I seem to draw much less attention.