Need Deployed Mine Indicator

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Soylad, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. KodiakX

    100% agree.

    Considering it just consumes your deployables if they get replaced would like an indicator.
  2. Steamag

    Maybe, also, show them on the map, so we could easily find out which mines are destoyed?
    Also, show them on frendly minimap; several times I was punished for frendly-fire because random explosion triggered-off mines when frendly vehicles were standing on top of them.
  3. SixVoltSamurai

    Place your mines right and the exp messages will notify you just fine. :)
  4. Marzipanzer

    You don't get exp messages when your mine gets hit by a stray rocket/tank shell or is intentionally shot at by particularly perceptive enemies.
  5. SixVoltSamurai

    Very true, either way it would be nice, but it's a small quality of life upgrade to me. Resources or not, if you go fishing you can either have the freedom to go to the opposite end of the planet and hope for the best, or stay near and tend to the bait.
  6. Stromberg

  7. Soylad

    Considering AT mines aren't exactly cheap, a tiny indicator somewhere on the UI wouldn't seem like too much to ask for.
  8. Takoita

    +1 to this.
  9. Luciuskane

    Agreed, I tried to remember where they are since I have 2 claymores and 3 AT mines only, but I can imagine things getting hectic if someone wants to go full sapper and get the whole utility belt.

    Also, I kept have to "patrol" my mines to check if someone triggered it, and indicator will be very nice indeed
  10. IshanDeston

    And people are annoyed enough about it as it is. Don't need to add a proximity warning to the list. If people would reliably be able to tell that Mine 2 at the spawn room gate just went off, even if it killed or not, they would know there is an enemy nearby.

    Not to mention that it would only increase peoples ability to minespam, as ineffective and ressource unfriendly as it is, i don't think we need another incentive for people to hate it.

    If they hate it to much, the whining gets started and you will see a nerf to the mines down the line. People will justify making the mine damage even more useless as it already is (thans to flak armor), because they double as proximity alarm.
  11. Falanin

    This is a good idea.
  12. Eleniaki

    I guess it would be nice, personally if I haven't heard something from my mines in the last fifteen minutes or so I will consider them lost and place new ones.

    If you know where you placed the mines and where the front is, it is usually easy to determine if they are still useful or if placing new ones is the best resort.
  13. furez

  14. Yafes

    Just a simple icon on map, I can even spend a lot of certs for such a feature
  15. Dodgeit

    I havent used any mines, but i'm surprised this isnt already in, it makes so much sense and i cant imagine it would be a massive pain to have a total on screen to show how many used etc.
  16. supahitecjetfyta

    its not needed at all since the forums clearly show that mines are only ever placed on top of highly defended sundies and explode in seconds. :p
  17. Soylad

    The zones on the map start flashing when enemy units are in the area so there is already a built in proximity warning system in the game. The repair gun and ammo packs are the most useful things about Engineers, but AT mines are by far the most fun I've had with this class. I mark the map with my personal waypoint so I remember where I planted them, but we should be able to see if they are still active.

    I hate being one-shot by snipers and blown to hell by one HE round from a tank so what's the difference between that and an AT mine taking out a target? If they nerf AT mines, I'll just go play Heavy or Infiltrator like everyone else in the game and what fun would that be?
    • Up x 1
  18. Crazy Airborne

    i completely agree with this. a few dots on the screen is all we need.
  19. Goats

    Bump for agreement. Pleeeaaaseee?
  20. Tvayumat

    I'll +1 this, but it is important that we recognize the obvious unintended side effect...

    Mines will become motion sensors/proximity detectors. If I placed a mine two rooms over and I get an indicator of when it goes off and where, I immediately know where at least one enemy is attempting to attack, and I have a second or two window where they are recovering from the explosion ideally.

    Suddenly mines become MUCH more powerful.

    I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but it needs to be considered.