NC sucks hard????

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ximaster, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. AlterEgo

    DIS GUY!
    HA! GOTEM!

    *Courtesy of the Deez Nuts, Inc. guy.
  2. customer548

    The 2 guys who were almost killed by the bathtub.
  3. Atis

    No way, NC weapons are great, they even get auto-aim. It aims only at other NC and cant be turned off, but damage is beastly and that satisfying sounds of hard-hitting shots don't let you hear any complaints.
  4. Farlion

    Someone has never played TR!
  5. Iridar51

    Do you honestly believe I was even 1% serious while saying any of that?
  6. iller

    Agreed ... but even they win way more Alerts than our NC on Connery win.

    the 2v1 struggle is real. DeyBreak needs to add some anti-farming code to this game....
  7. r1po

    saw the headline, saw the signature -> Cobalt... say no more ^^
  8. Obscura

    Yes the NC suck pretty hard lol, I hope your question was answered.
  9. Atis

    No, do you honestly believe I was?
  10. Iridar51

    I did, since I barely read your post. Now I see how ridiculous it is, my bad.
  11. TheMeatShield13

    Pretty inept faction, imo
  12. Kentucky Windage

    You must not have heard of Black Arrows on Emerald. Nasty NC there. Ran into them the other day. Just Nasty. Wasn't with my normal squad and just got hammered by them. NC may be the home of the Noobs but they are home to some of these guys also and they can kick some ***.
  13. Farlion

    It may have to do with TR being the worst faction by a long way.
  14. Kentucky Windage

    Insults will get you no where. No High Life for you. Good day:p
  15. Raun Paru

    TR is not the worst faction. Gatekeeper is disgustingly OP. Each faction has their strengths and weaknesses. NC's weakness is for a faction that benefits from ambushes and medium-range conflicts (or short range shotties) most people are too plain stupid to take advantage of anything and they all have the mindset of "CERTS! MINE! KILLS MINE! MINE! MINE!" and TK for the most stupid reasons or times.

    There are people on NC who intentionally hunt NC, or at the drop of a hat say with a shrill voice "Oh, well now we'll TK him on PURPOSE because ENTITLEMENT!" it's ***** nonsense..

    An accurate picture of your typical NC is someone shooting through their team mates to the enemy. Or, and
    this actually happened. A Harasser running over team-mates looking for enemies (supposedly) gets iffy when
    someone yells at him for TKing groups of NC. He then proceeds "Oh, well now we'll just TK him on purpose!" and proceeded to charge :/
  16. Campagne

    Is this how you get your sick kicks!? :eek:
  17. KnightCole

    The NC PLayerbase is down right ***** atrocious, but the faction itself is actually incredible. Alot of really good guns, almost every gun they have, outside of the, well, not really NC style NC guns are great all rounders, more then capable in all situations, be it long range, short range, punching you in the face or just plain ****** face.

    NC1, NC6, NC14, EM6, Anchor, GD22S, Reaper DMR, even thier Cyclone SMG is decent enough. THe Longshot, the railgun.

    And really, even thier TR type guns in the GR22 is actually pretty good.

    Its just sad the players who choose NC cant beat themselves out of a wet paper bag....

    I logged back in last night to see the game, but I see, the game is still basically unplayable as the NC, since, AMerish and Hossin were the only 2 conts open and on both of them, both last night and this morning, the NC were down to like 3 territories, and even on Koltyr, they were losing.

    Its almost like the NC attracts all the morons.

    I must be a moron....fml....
  18. CMDante

    NC is for casual players. It's the most accessible, played up as the "good guys", given ES vehicles that look very similar to modern day USA options, they have high damage weapons that draw people in and have the widest range of options by far in their infantry guns.

    VS is for try-hards because of all their gimmicky things (strafing tanks, no bullet drop, low downtime, LMG that can shoot around corners)

    TR is for masochists and people that like red. Most "meh" weapons, lots of gimped options (fracture, striker, banshee and all MAX AI weapons) And nothing truly unique and out there compared to the other factions.

    That's why NC has so many mediocre to poor players. ******* casuals.
  19. customer548

    If NCs were all one-legged men, i'm pretty sure they would find a way to fire at each other crutch.
  20. Lemposs

    Everybody sucks, you just got to observe them enough and you'll easily be capable of telling that they suck. VS is the one that wins the most alerts and such, but don't spend to long looking at what people do, or you will find that even the VS sucks, like really badly.

    Except for me of course, I am a beacon of perfection :p