NC MAX needs a serious buff

Discussion in 'MAX' started by ADUILO, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Konfuzfanten

    So, you also think that the NC slug MAX is the best range MAX in the game? Since you know:
    Perfect aim + slugs at 100 meters = proper the best TTK for AI MAX weapons.

    Ofc that perfect aim slug example BS, just like the "0.3 sec advantage" argument.

    The amount of time i have 0.3 TTK on enemy infantry with my VS/TR MAX is maybe 1 in 100 kills, while the instant gib ability of my NC MAX is properly around 10% in tower fights depending on how heavy the enemy are attacking.

    Because of the TTK on enemy MAX is already very very fast for NC MAX's and with extended mags it can one mag all MAX's unless they run KA(making themself very vulnerable to enemy C4 faries).

    A hacksaw MAX TTK on a non-KA full Health enemy MAX is around 3-4 sec in CQC. And you want to buff that?

    Because all TR+VS should run with KA or just die, while NC MAX's can still run flak?

    Same thing with the reload speed. Faster reload = fast TTK.

    That's why the devs should just remove shotguns from the NC MAX, and give the NC MAX a slow firing, hard hitting AI weapons, like a Gauss Saw but for the MAX.
  2. minhalexus

    If you look at the math, the TTK for an NC max is about 6 seconds (rounded off).
    While the TTK for the TR/VS max is about 5 seconds (rounded off).
    Yes i want to buff the NC max, considering the TR and VS max have a lower TTK.

    In a biolab fight or any situation NC max is good at, every max should be running the KA5 including the NC max.
    Flak armour should mostly be used in outdoor situations, or in not so tense fights.
    And non the less its not like TR/VS maxes can not run flak, its that they choose not to run flak.

    fast reload = fast TTK
    I just want a 1 second faster reload so that my TTK matches the TR/VS max in CQC.

    Usually removing a weapon is not an option for the devs. If they really want to remove the shotguns they should just nerf it to death, and let them be, non the less this would still cause an uproar for high BR NC players who already put in tons of certs for the weapons and the exmags and the slugs.

    Gauss SAW for the max = yes (i just want the mag-size and reload speed to match those of the TR/VS maxes)
  3. minhalexus

    Hacksaw TTK is about 5.7 seconds if you want it more specific.

    It goes like:

    1.2 + 4 second reload + 0.5

    Even if its not exactly 5.7 its something similar (this is if the enemy max is at the ideal spot NC max wants it to be and the NC max does not miss).
    Just keep in mind, the hacksaws have a much longer TTK once the enemy is outside 5m.

    If i'm not wrong the pounder video has both maxes at about 10m. I'm pretty certain hacksaw's have to reload twice to kill a max at 10m.
    So just add 4 more seconds to w/e the ideal TTK, if the enemy max is at 10 meters.
  4. Wobberjockey

    i'm willing to let an NC max have dual gauss SAW arms if the VS maxes can get dual lasher arms...

  5. minhalexus

    I might just go with it IF i got a JACKHAMMER instead of gauss Saws.

    By jackhammer i mean:

    9 round default mag (12 with extended mags)
    x3 burst fire
    225 RPM
    Reload speed: 2.6/3.6
    MV : 400ms

    Behold the NC max shotgun, with the shortest reloads, highest magazine and a x3 burst fire and ofcourse the highest RoF (surpassing the hacksaw which has 210 rpm).
    It has the tightest spread, higest velocity, and longest effective range with the Mattocks.

    2 Jackhammers (burst fire) would literally mean that i could instagib an enemy max. (well instagib a ZOE max)
    Having the fastest RoF and more magazine, this shotgun will kill maxes faster than any gun in this game.

    Having a Jackhammer would wipe out the use of Grinders and Mattocks, only downside would be that slugs will not be allowed.
    Say, you up for the trade?

    But a more fair trade would be:

    NC max gets a 'bad' carbine.
    TR/VS gets a 'bad' shotgun.

    Ofcourse the VS and TR get slightly different shotties, but they both should be worse than any NC max shotguns.
    And NC max gets a worse carbine than any TR/VS max guns.

    Thus allowing the Maxes to keep their speciality
  6. Wobberjockey

    i suggested gauss saws, because i figured the NC would be tired of shotguns by now...
    and you don're really have a mid range option
  7. Ripshaft

    I just wanted to say that I saw this thread and thought it said:

    "NC Max needs a serious butt"

    I was disappointed. Please put more effort into delivering constructive content, such as butts.
  8. vanu123

    Close range = NC Mid Range = TR Long Range = VS there is your balance people NC if you want more range grab some slugs and you can hit out to 40+ meters.
  9. EmperorPenguin5

    IT DID help against explosives BUT they broke that THEY need to fix it.
  10. minhalexus

    NC isnt tired of the Jackhammer.
    This shotgun surpasses any NC max shotgun.
    With 2 downsides to it:

    1) Can not equip slugs
    2) Can only be equipped by the Heavy Assault

    More magazine
    Small spread
    Higher RoF
    Shorter Reload
    More damage over range
    High muzzle velocity
    x3 burst fire mode

    Lets just face it, the Lasher and the Jackhammer would both be OP on the maxes.
  11. Cyrek

    Hey NC why are your 100 BR mates using Ravens for infantry? simple, 2 hit kills and laser guided missiles for any range. Keep complaining like you always had and you're get your petty buffs again.
  12. Chad444

    Only if TR gets dual minigun arms. Oh wait...
  13. Sargentmki

    TTK means crap if the enemy out manuverse you, ESPECIALLY in an NC Max, cause you just back up or get behind some cover and pull out a rocket launcher, bye bye alpha advantage. Let's not even consider if an engineer sets up a turret either, you'll NEVER snipe them off of it without sprint, excellent slug RNG or great aim, and duel falcons.

    Love the NC max, it has its moments, but also has a lot more I feel really gimped and no matter how good I am I can't do crap. Shotguns = predictable REGARDLESS of player skill.

    Slugs are more competitive but reloads, mag size and CQC damage isn't balanced for slugs (now if they were, to fabricate a non pointblank option , THEN were talking about actual capabilities beyond 15 feet)
  14. Gotkilledcryfornerf

    Such a abuse of data.....
    A guy some posts after you said, a smart max takes the fights for his weapons, you should do it with your TR one too, you cant expect to win against hacksaws in 5 meters range....
    At all the NC max shotguns are rly useless, 1% of all fights you can benefit from them, in all other fights you get killed in distance, cuz 15 meters are a joke. Its ways easier to use the range of VS/TR maxes then the CQC ability of a NC max.
    your examples:
    tower base WHERE? shall i camp at A and look at 2 entrances at the same time?
    Tech plant inside the main building? youre kidding me? the mainroom around A is about 100x40 meters
    even in the walled area directly around A a shotgun max underperforms hard against TR/VS maxes, if i stand in the corner and look at the entrance, its about 20 meters, if a max sees me it gets on more distance then to take advantage
    AMP station A point, same like the tech plant, but not that bad
    at the generators youre right, a shotgun there is performing good, cuz its a room around maximum 15x15 meters
    biolabs depending on where, in the rooms, shotguns are good for sure, outside around the rooms, theyre bad

    and dont tell me to use slugs, they can hit at longer range, but in 90% they dont hit anything!

    at all the close range makes you vulnerable to C4 attacks

    NC guys dontwant get their shotguns buffed, we just want a range option! i would trade in all my shotguns for blueshifts or mercys...
    a good deal would be to put in some NS machine guns and shotguns for maxes.
  15. McToast


    I just got into MAXing, used it only for AA duty so far. I have dual falcons, dual bursters and dual scatters, all fully upgraded with ex.mags and the scatters with slugs. I also have a TR MAX with cycler + mutilator.

    About the NC MAX: From my (so far very limited) PoV it's fine. There are two changes I would suggest to make the NC MAX a bit more versatile.

    1. Increase reload speed across the board by 0,5-1 second. Another option would be to increase magsize, but that would screw with MAX vs. MAX balance I guess.
    2. Increase accuracy while moving a bit, maybe give it as a special trait to slugs. I don't mind the slow velocity, RoF and magsize, but having to crouch to hit anything beyond 10m with our mid-range option just sucks.

    the Toast

    PS: Remove abillity to get revived for MAXes. If you die, pull another MAX.
    • Up x 1
  16. Epoch/Eep

    i think they need default NS CQ and mid range guns.
    Maxes would be fixed then and Sony makes moola

    Niche weaponry is fine as long as its not forced on only one empire. NC max is great and crap at the same time whilst TR and VS are average at everything. NS weapons fixes this.
  17. Ceskaz

    I'm more for an intermediate solution : 3 shotguns and 1 heavy machine gun. Shotguns weapons should have less damage per pellets, less spread (but each having different spread), bigger mags. The idea is to lower point blank damage and increase 10=>20 meters damages, so NC MAX keeps an advantage in CQC (but less of it), but can still fight target beyond 10 meters (but being less effective than a TR or VS MAX at this range).
    The HMCG should have like a ~260 ROF gun with ~200 damage (almost same DPS than a blueshift with those numbers), and being automatic of course.
  18. Sargentmki

    SOE could just make slugs more interesting and BAM NC MAX has effective range option. Right now they are to tacked on to be more than a single high damage pellet (that's what they are)

    Some balance adjustments with slugs, like changing them so they actually fly where you aim, changes to damage values at range, maybe some ROF and reload changes for the guns they are on and cool, NC have a way to fight outdoors instantly without any new guns or anything significate
    • Up x 1
  19. amega

    God dam... give nc maxes an alternative fastfiring middlerange weapons and shotguns for other two maxes!!!! Everyone would be happy
  20. Dead soldier

    I won't :( Imagine the max spam everywhere you go...