NC Hacksaw is too effective in MAX duels

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Cryptek, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Arcanum

    Rejoice NC players! Looks like Hacksaws are going to stay as they are until at least after the second game update. Too bad your other guns are still going to be the worst.
  2. korpisoturi

    YEH, all other NC weapons/vehicles are clumsy/slow/inaccurate compared to TR/VS ones ,SO why not f... up they maxes too and take that one last very restricted advantage away from NC ,then TR/VS can farm NC outside AND inside at will, no matter if close combat OR long range.
  3. Littledood

    Our guns might be bad, but our tactics make up for that. Hell, I don't even need tactics at night, I can walk into a small base with my NV scope attached and take out 5-7 TR/VS before they find me and attempt to kill me.
  4. Cryptek

    Way to put words in our mouths.. If you'd actually read anything people said, they said it should do less damage to MAXes, but still win any CQC against MAXes, reducing the TTK so they have a chance to at the very least flee, or if they have 3 engineers behind them survive it..
  5. Ten4

    I didn't realize pellets don't trigger headshot multipliers. Still, most people aim for heads and presenting a smaller target by crouching is still viable imho.
  6. Arcanum

    I may have been wrong. I think the multiplier is just reduced.
  7. Oreo202

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's 1.5x instead of 2x.
  8. Collin

    Yesterday I pulled a DUAL Poundermax and was grounded by a Hacksaw max in LESS!!!!! than a clip. It took less than 5 seconds i was dead i could just hit him twice.

    A DUALPOUNDERMAX should kill a Hacksaw max AT ANY RANGE!
  9. Arcanum

    5 seconds? How did you survive for that long?

    You're wrong. AV MAX weapons weren't made to kill MAXes. I'm not sure why they're in the game but they're some seriously broken weapons if they're supposed to be anti-MAX.

    Or maybe I'm wrong, what's the TTK of a dual AV vs another MAX?
  10. Collin

    AV Max should be good against AI Maxes otherwise it makes no sence at all
  11. siddar

    Max's are infantry not vehicles. That's why you pay infantry resources to equip them not vehicles resources. If we used your logic then Max's should take no damage from infantry weapons that cant damage vehicles other then a flash.

    By the way I think hacksaw are brutally over powered but many of the complaints are just from people mad they cant aim bot win against hacksaws.
  12. Collin

    Well the problem with that that the hacksaw has no real hard counter atm exept c4. Even with a decimator you will lose. jump aourd the corner aim BAM dead HA.
  13. Kon

    you tried using hacksaws at medium range? if im on the landing pad @ a biolab and a cyclermax is in the door way i will lose every time
  14. Deschain

    AV Max's are like the Kardashians, always around but totally useless.
  15. Collin

    charge and the dual cycler is done
  16. Kon

    YEAH! that only works if hes alone, which isnt usually the case the 50 TR shooting me would probably kill me first, Splat Max's are really good indoors where as cycler and vanu max can be used in open area engagements more effectively. if they made it equal in close quarters like by giving splat maxes slugs, they would be able to shoot people at long distances like you .. but then people would still complain
  17. USD

    The AV pounder max now is as bad as the original AI pounder was overpowered. I am so sorry you wasted your money/certs on it.
  18. Ten4

    The last tme I pulled a dual pounder was in beta, and I destroyed a group of 3 NC MAXs. My experience is not definitive and they were probably terrible. I also think the clip size was 5 or 6 then. Emptied both arms into each of their heads and they died. I never pulled it much because I always found the Dual Cycler was effective against both MAX and infantry alike. Besides, flak armor pretty much ***** you against other MAXs when you roll dual pounder now.
  19. Pikachu

    I got myself dual hacksaws with extended magazine now and it's a deathmachine in close quarters. Awesome thing to use. :) Guaranteed to win duels with other max. They start shooting at you and you just unload all those pellets into them and they die quickly.

    However it has happened a few times that enemies just won't die. I shoot 6 shots at them close range and for some reason they survive, it's rare but it makes no sense when it happens.
  20. Zapon

    I'm a VS, so perhaps i dont know jack-

    but, i've seen NC say"there was never a time i've said, i could have killed that guy if i had twin scatter cannons instead of twin hacksaws"-

    Anyway, for the TR? Aren't Twin mercies their best answer to the dual hacksaws? Or am i missing something/forgetting some fact about the other various TR guns that might end up better than dual mercies?

    /not that this will ever affect me- i get dominated by all of the above- but am seeing a lot more twin cyclers although twin mercies put me down about as fast as hacksaws -