Merge for Emerald may have been premature

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasonSTL, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. MasonSTL

    50+ queue on each continent and about 10+ queue for the VR
  2. Frostiken

    You don't say. I want to slap every idiot who supported this.
  3. Luminiouscow

    I want my Waterson back, Mattherson TR are mean and bad D:
  4. Bindlestiff

    Meanwhile, on Cobalt at the tail end of a double XP weekend - a small queue for Amerish and about 10 people fighting on the other continent (Esamir I think).

    Really busy :s
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  5. Maelthra

    I had no problem getting in. Maybe you should UPGRADE NOW!
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  6. Scr1nRusher

    They should increase the continent captures
  7. MasonSTL

    troof! waiting till the resource revamp to do that though
  8. MasonSTL

    The worst part is it is taking for ever to get our outfit together.
  9. Shanther

    Nope. It is the best thing to happen to both servers. So many crops to harvest.
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  10. Munr

    Matherson factions are SOOOO much better than Waterson. I left Waterson because of the [intelligent people] running around. The only reason I don't like the merge is because now I have to play with all those [jolly good folk] again. Seriously, only a few weren't total [buddies who I love]! But TBH, this thread is premature. I have no more problem getting into a continent than I did pre-merger.

    Also, if you're wondering about the brackets, I passed my thought through an "SOE Approved Comment Filter". Worth every penny.
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  11. isaidhi3

    This is only because of double xp. Everybody wants certs....
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  12. TheShrapnelKing

    Oh **** off. Waterson players weren't any stupider than Mattherson players, they were just too apathetic to really try very hard.
  13. Munr

    Who ever said anyone was stupid? I don't see that in my post anywhere.
  14. MasonSTL

    me too, but i cant get out of the VR.
  15. Vanudrax

    LOL awww, poor babies. They want to go back to having one 48+ vs 48+ battle on the entire server, and a couple 12 vs 12 battles.


    This is how it should have been from the start. Populated server, big fights all over the place, and as I see posted above, the TR crying as usual.
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  16. MasonSTL

    would be nice to see those 48+ vs 48+.... but I'm stuck in the VR.

    Who's TR in here?
  17. Jeslis

    Yea, you're complaining about too much pop, ON A HOLIDAY DOUBLE XP WEEKEND.

    Come talk to me when its thursday midafternoon and all the continents are locked during non-2x xp time.
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  18. EliteEskimo

    Mattherson TR won more alerts before the merge, so if anyone contributed to the TR being bad it was Waterson. I don't mind working with Waterson outfits, but to say Mattherson TR are bad is a joke. Where were the equivalents of the organized and competitive 903rd/BWC/VG outfits on Waterson that came over in the merge? *crickets* Indeed.......
  19. MasonSTL

    I'm going to have to... because I'm stuck in the VR.
  20. Regpuppy

    It's double xp, it'll calm down tomorrow.

    The only reason it's like this is that we somewhat recently got hit with the merge, new content, and double xp all in a row.