MAX Balance Part 4: Everything AI.

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Chewy102, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Chewy102

    You did not read the links I posted where I have the math I used. I did account for reloads for all weapons that needed them and only used MAX v MAX. It is clearly stated that if you do not read the links I gave in the OP that you will be missing information. Your fault, not mine.

    The 2,061 DPS came from 10,000(a MAXes assumed HP) / 4.85TTK = 2,061.85 DPS. I did 10,000 damage in 4.85 seconds and that takes it to 2,061.85 DPS for a MAX sized target at 0m.

    Then there's the 30m tests you called wrong from not having reloads accounted for. Well here's the numbers for 30m for Quasar, Nebula, and Blueshift.

    Order Quasar Nebula Blueshift
    30m shots fired

    Quasar and Nebula have 50 round mags, Blueshifts have 40. So at 100 rounds Quasar and Nebula need 1 reload, at 80 for Blueshifts. At the rounds fired of 129.33--172--112 all 3 weapons need just one reload. Now you divide the rounds fired by dual RPS (11.23 Quasar, 14.2 Nebula, 12.2 Blueshift) then add reload time ( same order 2.8, 2.6, 2.7) to get TTK for 30m range.

    Same order

    Im not seeing a change from what I typed out before.

    You're lucky I bothered to reply for this. I gave the links and a warning that without knowing the details in those links that you would be missing information. It was the 2nd sentence even. NO excuse for me needing to do this over again.
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  2. Revanmug

    Did it really take you 4h ½ to do 150 kills with a MAX while mostly defending a Bio lab? And you are proud?

    Maybe you should remove those slugs and start killing more because that's pretty sad actually.
  3. Dethfield

    Actually there can be, especially when in-game experience is completely different. Player skill and game environment must be taken into effect. Also, i dont really understand why chewy tested the scattercannons without extended mags. What decent NC MAX doesntuse extended mags? Its always been understood that NC MAX's need more cert investment than the others, primarily for the ext. mags. In return, they dominate at close-medium range. This has always been the case, and not until the recent shotgun "nerf" (which hardly changed anything at all) have people been claiming the NC MAX is the worst. And before you pull the "we shouldnt need to have them!", remember that many other classes and vehicles have certs that could be considered a "requirement", vanguard shields are one example.

    This whole discuss seems strange to me. What is being said here simply doesnt reflect what i see in game, and im beginning to think it is due to experience and/or skill. After looking some of the MAX game time for some of the "nay sayers" in this thread, nearly everyone of you have less than 100 hours in the NC MAX (if that). If you dont like or are not good with the MAX thats fine. But dont come in here saying it sucks when plenty of people use them to great effect.
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  4. Leonidas423

    We are not arguing about their effectiveness, we are arguing their comparative effectiveness.
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  5. Revanmug

    I don't think you should bring stats/time played here considering how inneffective you are with a scatter MAX. Just saying.
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  6. Tekuila

    What makes you think I was only in a bio lab? Why am I even responding to some random tool. LOL
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  7. gigastar

    Alright, thats acceptable.

    Now, did you at any point take into account the DPS increases provided by rank 5 ZOE or Lockdown?
  8. Dethfield

    What because of my KDR? SPM? Those things people say dont matter? Never mentioned stats, as those hardly show the whole picture (as we have seen here). I guess my recently killboard is meaningless too, or my auraxium medals on both hacksaws and mattocks and ~500 kills per scattercannon...

    I suppose i should havent expect different from this forum...
  9. Chewy102

    Iv done the math for extended mags. NC MAXes will be able to one mag kill a MAX up to 10m with Scattercannon, Grinder, and Mattock. Hacksaws still need a reload at 10m with extended mags and that will put its TTK above its TR and VS equals. At 15m only Mattocks can kill without a reload and all others will fail. Then at 20m even Mattocks need a reload but their TTK will be in the middle of its TR and VS equals TTKs.

    NC MAXes have already been balanced around fully certed weapons when no one else needs to spend a single cert.

    Nope. Like extended mags they are a cert option. Something you choose to use for an advantage at a cost. ZOE give damage and speed for lower resistance, lockdown gives fire rate reload time and faster bullets for zero movement, the shield give frontal armor at the cost speed and weapons fire. Extended mags give more ammo to fire up front but you run out faster. All of them are options and should not be a factor for balance unless they have such an effect that the unit becomes OP with them.

    Just to get this data took 96 tests. 3 MAXes, 4 weapons each, 2 targets, and 4 ranges. 3*4*2*4=96. If I account for ZOE and lock down then it would be comparable to 2 more MAXes and 2 more targets for just 2 of the MAXes if I assume just for level 5 and not 1-4. I have no idea how many tests that would take but my guess would be well over 200, maybe 300. The shield would also take some work in figuring out how it fits into testing numbers. VR targets also don't get cert options like abilities and armor so I would need a NC MAX with a certed shield, a TR MAX with all weapons, and a VS MAX with all weapons. Then the same for ZOE de-buffs.

    If I wanted to do tests for all abilities and armors then I would have to drag at least 3 people (including me) to the PTS with alts for each faction and do all the 200-300 tests needed. Then we would have to do more from variables we forgot about or didn't think of.

    This is more complex than you would think. Just one variable adds so much work that I chose to keep things as simple as possible. Stock v stock and even then I was almost over whelmed with the amount of things needed.
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  10. Revanmug

    You are right, in the SS, you have 3 base taken and... 34 base defenses. Is standing in the Xelas Bio lab. If you didn't spend the majority of your time in bio labs (the easiest place to get them), you wouldn't have so many defense points. Just for future reference. You can crawl back to your hole now.

    You KDR is abyssal for a MAX user. Your SPM is low for a MAX user. Your kill per minutes is abyssal for a MAX user. Your accuracy is low for shotguns users. Those stats are pretty much the same accross all MAX weapon you have used.

    And then, you also dare say that people without enough skill and time played (over 100h on a crutch class) shouldn't talk balance? If the devs were to look at your stats(since they do to balance), the only conclusion would be that scatter is incredibly UP. Luckely, things aren't THAT bad for a NC MAX.

    If you don't like being call on like I did, just shut your trap next time and stay focus on the matter, aka current lol scatters.

    I said since the beginning of Beta. Scrap those shotguns and give a gauss MGs. They'll never be able to balance a faction with only shotgun while nobody else has access to them. Scatters are a cancer for NC MAX and all MAX really.
  11. Tekuila

    Quit making excuses.
  12. Goretzu

    A kill streak (no matter how good or bad) != game balance.
  13. Tekuila

    My only point is that it is nowhere near as bad as people claim and that most have never used the for more than 10 minutes outside of a VR.
  14. Chewy102

    Problem is that in the pic you posted you have extended mags. It's hard to see but you have 10 shells in each mag. Outside of the mag count, the fact that you have 30ish rounds in a pool, and have half health we can't know anything about how you got those 150 kills over the 4.5 hours of gameplay. The large infantry res gain tells me you farmed in an infantry res hex but with 2X XP and the fact that you popped a booster makes that pointless as it is farmed very easy at about 400% XP of normal. (2X for the event and 100% after boosts)

    Wait, the scoreboard says you have 1 kill. Is that just 1 kill for that life and you snapped a pic after a res and while waiting for repairs or what? You could have pulled a MAX, fired a few mags, got one kill, and then taken the pic after doing anything else for those 4.5 hours and 150 kills. A kill board pic would have been better than that. We can't get any good information about of that pic.
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  15. Tekuila

    My first idea was a kill board pic but this kill streak was off the board by the time I came across this thread. Also I took it after combat was ending and I was about to go to bed. Also of course I have extended mags, why wouldn't I?

    Why is everyone so hell bent on "proving" slugs are no good?
  16. Chowley

    Im sorry you expect people to commonly have more than 100 hours with the max alone? Are people allowed have an opinion on the Max and actually you know eat and sleep?
  17. Chewy102

    Understandable, time can be a ***** once in a while. Though I do agree that slugs are of some use but they just are not going to make a shotgun a HMG. Nor are they going to make a CQC weapon into something it is not. Without ADS slugs just are not as useful thanks to not being able to use them as a half ***** sniper. NC MAX slugs don't have the reliability as other slugs.

    I have 64 hours in my MAX. To be honest I only need a few minutes to tell if a weapon is worth my time to learn or fits well into my playstyle. 2-3 hours at most would be needed to get a good feel. But mastering a weapon is a beast of its own.

    Honestly I don't care about the hours played. But if MAX isn't in your top 5 played classes and/or vehicles then it 'might' be something to bring up. The point of view of an infantry player or vehicle player isn't the same as a MAX player. Im support and MAX by the way. Even while playing MAX Im supporting if able and shotguns suck for that.
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  18. Chewy102

    Double post, but it's to late to edit the other one.

    Had an idea on the PSU forums and thought to post it here. A sloppy work up of a NS MAX shotgun and NS MAX HMG. Stats are in between Sacattercannon/Hacksaw for the shotgun and between an average of Heavy C/Onslaught and Quasar/Nebula.

    NS Shotgun
    Name- Bird Boy
    Mag- 6
    Ammo pool- 54
    ROF- 194
    Pellet Spread- 3.5

    Short- 3.1
    Long- 3.9

    8m- 127
    18m- 47

    Sitting-1.25, 1.75
    Standing- 1.75, 2.25


    NS HMG
    Name- White Lead
    Mag- 55
    Ammo Pool- 440
    ROF- 413

    Short- 2.2
    Long- 2.8

    10m- 143
    60m- 120

    Sitting- 2, 1.47 (read below)
    Standing- 2.5, 5

    Fun fact! Tuns out according to the official wiki TR and VS HMGs (all of them) have a smaller COF while sitting and moving then sitting still.

    Best be a typo or some hell of a bug :eek:
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  19. Chowley

    There seems to be some confusion. I was replying to dethfield. I was not doubting your point of view.
  20. Chewy102

    And I was agreeing that one doesn't need 100 hours to see something.
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