Mattherson, Rejoice! The Enclave Has Quit!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LucMooncrest, Jun 20, 2013.

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  1. LucMooncrest

    This is up to date information: BuzzCutPsycho has decided that post GU11, Enclave will no longer be running full-time operations. Enclave is no longer running ops. Buzzcut has quit PS2. The Enclave itself will be switching to other games. Other players may be running operations, but Buzzcut himself will not be. They will be playing other games (World of Tanks, Path of Exile, Company of Heroes 2, BF4, whatever).

    Quote: "We leave this game at the height of our dominance. There's not much for us anymore. Every night, we get to a warpgate, with nothing else to do but ghost cap the rest of the night. We may return to the game at a later time, but this game is dying. I'd rather go out as number 1, than fading away. We will be playing Battlefield 4, with a hosted server when it comes out. Even if you joined here, what you should know by now is that you joined a community. We'll be playing other games, but for now, The Enclave will not be playing Planetside 2."

    More information to come Sunday when a meeting is announced.
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  2. Pandastratton

    lol rage quit
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  3. MarthKoopa

    Good riddance
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  4. MilitiaMan

    Guess he got tired of me shutting him down all the time even with backup =(

    Sorry, you're just too easy to spot in a group and I do love pissing on people with egos ;)
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  5. Gustavo M

    Sorry, I never heard of em.
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  6. Morticai

    Looks like he did something smart for once. Good. I can stand by this decision, even if it's founded on opinion rather than fact.

    Not that a few Enclave members won't come in to say otherwise.

    If it's not true though, that's a shame. With the gradually increasing disagreement towards their tactics, I'd dare to say that the only reason we've had trouble is because of their poor attitude towards the TR (and the general) community around them. Their departure will go with a salute if real, but their continued presence will only convince me more that they're nothing more than a burden.
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  7. IamDH

    Lol we took the warpgate every day ahaha
    This guy's hilarious
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  8. woooow

    Does this mean that goons will stop stacking vs now?
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  9. LucMooncrest

    "The developers are going to nickle and dime every SC out of you for everything. The game is becoming pay to win."
    "The game is riddled with hackers and cheaters."
    "The TLDR here is that Planetside2 is going downhill."
    "So for TE, We'll be looking for other stuff to do."
    "This will be my last stream, I will not be streaming any other games. I wanted to promote Planetside 2"
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  10. MiZrY

    That's what happens when you play a game for 83 days within a 7 month period. I would imagine it would get pretty stale.
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  11. nella

    I watched his streams for about a week, and they lost maybe 1 or 2 battles. Think whatever you want about buzz, or the way they win(large numbers), they still win. They smashed through every zerg and every outfit and here you are laughing at them.
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  12. Arquin

    At the cost of making the game a ******* drama for everyone else on TR.

    Yeah such victories
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  13. Duck Dodgers

    So long, and thanks for all the twitch...

    (See what I did there? Looks easy but it is not! hehehe)
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  14. NinjaTurtle

    They laugh because they are jealous, because they know that despite what they think of Buzz as a person through whatever has been said, he is the number one player on this game and the Enclave was the most dominate outfit on Mattherson.

    Fact is what he said in his stream was 100% accurate. This game is getting closer to P2W and it runs like ****
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  15. Drealgrin

    The 3rd best outfit on TR (7th best on Mattherson) will be missed.

    TE, such reliably easy targets, who will replace them as the easy zerg farm for the superior Vanu now?
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  16. Rogueghost

    No matter how much of an ****** he is, this is very bad, he was a very dedicated player to planetside 2 and it shows things are going very badly for the game.

    This is not good news.
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  17. Morticai

    Who said anything about laughing?

    The Enclave's the folks that consider themselves professional because they get stuff done, though they're really as professional as the folks who light children on fire to break the morale of the enemy. They don't care about what they have to do in order to get it done, just that it's getting done. The only cost worth considering for them, is how much time it takes to do it.

    The purpose of Planetside two is to have fun. It wasn't just the leadership of the Enclave that made that difficult, it was almost the entire group. It was at one point bad enough that they even received a warning from Smedley himself. Didn't stop there. Because of their actions, the TR lost the continent lock to a hacker that was targeting the Enclave specifically.

    Their departure is a welcome change, only because the Terran Republic is now freed of the running stereotype that we're nothing more than villainous squarebags with nothing but insults to share with the rest of the community.
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  18. Cougarbrit

    I'd say that's down to how people reacted to him rather his own actions.

    I've played on Mattherson a few times and BCP came across as one of the less insulting players on that server.
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  19. Cougarbrit

    When I played alongside TR groups on Mattherson, they were pretty polite for the most part, VS came across as bigger douchebags with endless insults for TE and BCP.
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  20. Arquin

    Well whatever, doesn't concern me anyway.
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