Make Certs account wide please.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Reloading Knife, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Reloading Knife

    SOE please do me and the entire PS2 community a favor and make certs account wide. That way I won't have to bash my face against my keyboard as much as I normally do when I'm grinding exp to get certs :mad: . Thank you....:D
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  2. Lewk

    I would love to have certs to play with on TR/NC... but as is stands, there is no way i am going to play those two when i could be earning certs for my main.
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  3. Total_Overkill

    My Warriors a level 80, this means im entitled to a level 80 Warlock

    Speaking of bashing your face with a keyboard... i would.
  4. Artoriusaurus Rex

    Of all the stupid comparisons...

    This isn't an MMORPG, it's an MMOFPS. What exactly would be wrong with playing a VS character and investing the certs earned into a TR character?

    There is nothing wrong there, because this isn't a game where you pick a class, and are then locked into that class permanently. Every single soldier is essentially the same and can play any class.
  5. SgtBreastroker

    I would love for this to get implemented. My main is on Vanu and I have accounts in TR and NC mostly for testing out weapons and seeing how the faction operates. As the certs on those accounts are pretty much useless I'd love for them to be available to my main.
  6. Aghar30

    Tons actually, you could easily farm certs with your "highly skilled pilot" (pardon me while i recover from the laughing) to make your other chars just as "highly skilled" (aka rocket pods), this way if you want rocket pods on all 3 chars you have to either buy them or grind them each individually, not get them once and use them to farm for others. Also being able to farm for one faction with another makes 0 sense, yes this is an FPS but its and FPS with persistance. Being able to level a character you are not playing is assinine.
  7. Crywalker

    Last I heard they were giving away level 80s for resurrect scrolls and such like candy.

    Not that PS2 characters are at all comparable to WoW classes.
  8. VodkaGR

    Then we wonder why games ended up like this.Seriously,don't be THAT useless consumer,the company is not your bro

    If certs are not shared,you lose incentive to buy stuff,so you buy less things for one character,AND no things at all for second,or maybe a couple of gums,since it will all go to waste if you change empire or server

    If certs are shared,you have to buy equipment only once,but due to it being a good value for money you end up spending more than both characters together with the previous model

    Logic SOE?
  9. Rognik

    I'm personally a fan of certs being character-bound (SC is different, and I feel more like that should be account-bound). Certs are just experience points, so it would be kind of odd to give them to all your characters when the others don't have any experience.

    But mostly I like how it makes you feel attached to your veteran character and to your faction. Faction loyalty is important. I am glad that I now have a reason to be loyal to NC... you know, apart from not wanting to be an insane cultist or a bloody tyrant.
  10. Morpholine

    Subscribe. Make alts. Play your main regularly. Win.

    I think certs crossing over is a bad idea, personally. Who really wants to play 3 identically-certed characters in the first place?

    SC purchases, on the other hand, are another story.
  11. FateJH

    That's probably your blood. :p I do agree with your assertion about faction loyalty.

    No, I don't think so; at least, I don't understand that logic. If I have one character, I will spend 100% of my certs on that character. If I have two characters, I spend what I earn with one character for that one character and what I earn with the other character on that other character. If I can support cert gain for two characters using one character, why not just play two characters in the first place?
  12. Paperlamp

    Personally, I've been playing a character for each faction, but will eventually probably stick with one. Hard to pick a faction until you've played them all a decent amount of time. It would be very nice to at least be able to move my unused certs, if no refund is ever available which I doubt it ever will be, to the character I end up using.
  13. Jachim

    The OP isn't asking for certs to be gained on multiple characters like some dufus who compared it to WoW.

    He's asking for cert gains to be usable by any character on an account. Thus, if you had a TR main, you could use some spare certs for your VS alt or whatnot.

    It's a valid idea.
  14. Mikouen

    What I wouldn't mind is, instead of using certs to buy outright from the Depot, you instead used your certs to buy 'tokens' which were then applied to your account, like SC. You could then use these tokens to get something for another toon from the depot.

    That, as it stands, is probably the only thing Cryptic got right with Star Trek Online's microtransaction model - any of your characters can use dilithium to buy "ZEN", which is available for any other character to use.

    Mind you, most of STO's unlocks are account-wide already.... not that it makes them any less of a farce.