Loyal soldier bundle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Liquid23, May 3, 2013.

  1. TheFencer0


    It's funny because he said color and it's about camo.

    I hope to god that pun was accidental.
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  2. RHINO_Mk.II

    Do like.
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  3. TeknoBug

    Weapon armor and vehicle camo.

    Looks a lot like digital camo but with a pattern of scrub.
  4. S0LAR15

    You get 1 hour boosts with it too.
  5. Liquid23

  6. TheBloodEagle

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  7. Torok

    so i guess we will see a dev response on this but anyway i have a small question, for those who received the loyal bundle pack, do you have a Prosieben account or a SOE one?

    i have a SOE station account just for the record
  8. Liquid23

  9. Skippytjc

  10. TheBloodEagle

    SOE did something nice for a change.

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  11. Rhaeyn

    Just got it as well. Infinite use weapon-, armor- and vehicle camo.
    Thanks SOE!
  12. TheFencer0

    For clarification -- if you receive this, can you determine a pattern? Is it for members only? Anyone with an account pre-launch or early launch?
  13. Liquid23

    I just find it odd they didn't say anything about it ... normally companies make a big deal about "free gifts" especially loyalty ones

    it is a very nice gesture tho... 3 unlimited camos is what like 15 bucks worth of SC?
  14. Entomorph

    Claimed it on an alt.. I'm one sad, sad Ento. Oh well. At least that alt looks nifty now.
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  15. TheBloodEagle

    Can someone post their MAX with Ogre & Colossus with the new camo? Would really like to see.

    I'd also love to see someone show Digital, Alpha & Loyalty together.
  16. S1eB

    I never took part in the Alpha or Beta, I joined well after release as well. So i'm not sure what they are determining as "loyal." Most likely people that have bought a certain amount of SC :D

    EDIT: I bought 1 months membership once but never renewed it.
  17. GSZenith

    after looking on pic..i want it on my nc or vs instead lol -_- (yes i whine about free stuff as well)
  18. TheBloodEagle

    It's seems to have been given to almost everyone, but you only have one chance to claim it (it seems). So claim it on your main/most used.
  19. SDD

    I can't help but think it's bound to one character as a joke about "loyalty". Accidentally claiming it on an alt is supposed to make you feel bad about playing multiple characters and factions. Sneaky propaganda message.
  20. bNy_

    SOE account
    Played for 100+ hours