Looking for Outfit

Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by TheoryX, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. TheoryX


    I'm new to Planetside and I feel like i'm getting a grasp of the game, I would like to find an outfit thats active and I am able to play with, seeing these types of games are better with people!! I have alot of expirence playing these types of games but like I said new to Planetside and need some direction.

    I have mumble, TS3, skype and ventrilo so If that is needed I have it handled.

    Anyways please reply to this post if you're looking for members.

  2. kaptinkrunch88

    What faction do you play?
  3. ShopTrain

    If you are Vanu, you can join VAST (Vanu Advanced Science and Tactics). We are always looking for new members and we will happily guide you through the game. If you would like to join us you can fill an application at Vast-outfit.com.
  4. TheoryX

    I am the blue conglo?

    I can start and play anywhere... I haven't unlocked or done to much on my current character.
  5. kaptinkrunch88

    You're welcome to play in my outfit. The Unbalanced Breakfast TUBB. We only have a squad's worth of players at the moment and we're all learning and sharing out knowledge as we go. Sort of teaching each other. If you want an outfit that does excellent training regularly and has members on almost 24/7 then I'd go with War Machine (WAR) or Conglomerate Legion (COLG) they have some top players that teach newer players and they do large unit tactics as well. We're more of a hit and run shoot and scoot crew.
  6. TheoryX

    Kapt, why don't you send me an in game invite, I would prefer a smaller closer knit group.
  7. kaptinkrunch88

    I'll be playing a little later tonight and I'll send you an invite. What is your in game name?
  8. TheoryX

    TheoryXx I believe or just TheoryX
  9. kindbudvx9

  10. Excellentz

    You are welcome to check out our community. www.ADKGamers.com We are not very small overall, but a rather close PS2 community.