Logged in today. Player is gone. (Now back.)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SemperFi420th, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. SemperFi420th

    After logging in today, I noticed my main character (Vanu on Mattherson) was gone. It was there and working fine last night. After a quick search, I found someone else with the same issue (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/my-character-is-gone.90378/). Apparently, his reappeared after re-logging, so I did the same. 3 attempts later, it reappeared. Whew. Disaster averted.

    I thought I'd post this just in case anyone else experiences the same thing.
  2. An Hero

    He probably went to TR to see how the new easymode was going.