Level3 issues? Post some info here

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Jul 12, 2014.

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  1. Napsterbater

    Because sadly thire CS Reps can be as bad as ISP CS Reps.

    You are correct that is normal and OK and no need to talk to your ISP.

    Also that tracert goes to a server that really has nothing to do with in game latency unless your server is also in Las Vegas, NV

    A better test would be to trace to here for Briggs.
  2. taurangaNZ

    is this good?

    Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops
      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  BoB.Orcon []
      2    40 ms    14 ms    23 ms  euba.bng1.tvc.orcon.net.nz []
      3    15 ms    14 ms    14 ms  xe-3-3-0.cre1.sky.orcon.net.nz []
      4    15 ms    16 ms    14 ms
      5    38 ms    16 ms    15 ms  ae1-0.cre2.nct.odyssey.net.nz []
      6    39 ms    38 ms    38 ms  p17746.syd.equinix.com []
      7    38 ms    38 ms    58 ms  p17819.syd.equinix.com []
      8    46 ms    48 ms    38 ms  xe-1-0-1.gw101.sy3.ap.equinix.com []
      9    38 ms    38 ms    38 ms
    10    39 ms    38 ms    38 ms
    Trace complete.
  3. taurangaNZ

    what should I check next? Game Error G9 Malfunction.

    here is my procmon log pivoted in excel...
  4. Napsterbater

    Your link/attachment is broken, but since this has no relation to the Level3 issue you should make a new post.

    G9 Error
    Log out of the game and the LaunchPad, then reopen the LaunchPad and log in again. If the error occurs repeatedly, a full uninstall and reinstall of the game may be required. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
  5. taurangaNZ

  6. taurangaNZ

    If my ping is 38 milliseconds to Briggs, I never had a problem with connections before.. I can see above all successful connections, why is Samson L. at SOE support so bent on blaming my connection and my ISP? how do I go about getting a higher up SOE support guy? and Samson pointed me at this Level3 page to get my own support from the community. Is this a support ticket gone bad? did I just get unlucky with this tech support guy? how do I go about getting a higher up or different SOE support guy?
  7. taurangaNZ

    in case this is of interest, I compiled a list of IP addresses trying to prove to Samson at SOE support, that there is nothing wrong with my connection.

    Code: lp.soe.com gvid.soe.com lvs-gt-els01.station.sony.com manifest.patch.station.sony.com lvs-patch.station.sony.com amspsn-liv-gw01.planetside2.com amspsn-liv-gw02.planetside2.com amspsn-liv-gw03.planetside2.com amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com lvspsn-liv-gw01.station.sony.com lvspsn-liv-gw02.station.sony.com lvspsn-liv-gw03.station.sony.com lvspsn-liv-gw04.station.sony.com lvspsn-liv-gw05.station.sony.com lvspsn-liv-gw06.station.sony.com lvspsn-liv-gw07.station.sony.com lvspsn-liv-gw08.station.sony.com lvspsn-liv-l01.planetside2.com lvspsn-tst-l01.station.sony.com
  8. Beastman

    For the people with the G9 error. There is a DNS problem somewhere along the line. I don't think SOE's servers are updating other DNS servers properly. Example:

    Trace route to Miller IP. Ok that's fine.


    Tracing route to amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
    2 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms losubs.subs.dsl1.wh-man.zen.net.uk []

    3 16 ms 17 ms 52 ms no-dns-yet-62-3-80-197.zen.co.uk []
    4 23 ms 22 ms 23 ms ge-3-0-0-0.cr2.th-lon.zen.net.uk []
    5 23 ms 23 ms 24 ms linx-224.bg2.ld2.eu.equinix.net []

    6 23 ms 23 ms 23 ms po3.bg1.ld2.eu.equinix.net []
    7 30 ms 30 ms 30 ms po9-1405.bg1.am1.eu.equinix.net []

    8 31 ms 30 ms 30 ms po7.bg1.am3.eu.equinix.net []
    9 31 ms 30 ms 30 ms po2.bg2.am3.eu.equinix.net []
    10 29 ms 29 ms 29 ms sony.customer.am3.eu.equinix.net []
    11 29 ms 29 ms 29 ms amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com []

    Trace complete.

    Ummmm what? (below)

    C:\Users\Beast>ping amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com
    Ping request could not find host amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com. Please check t
    he name and try again.

    Enter it into the hosts file and voila.

    C:\Users\Beast>ping amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com

    Pinging amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=29ms TTL=118
    Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=118

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 2, Received = 2, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 29ms, Maximum = 30ms, Average = 29ms
  9. taurangaNZ

    nope didn't work.. still G9 here.

    C:\Users\Hamish>ping amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com
    Pinging amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=317ms TTL=108
    Reply from bytes=32 time=316ms TTL=108
    Reply from bytes=32 time=315ms TTL=108
    Reply from bytes=32 time=315ms TTL=108
    Ping statistics for
        Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
        Minimum = 315ms, Maximum = 317ms, Average = 315ms
  10. Beastman

    That would only work for Miller mind you, you'd need to enter whatever one it is you are connecting to.
  11. taurangaNZ

    this is not miller, this is a gateway server for just general certs and account related stuffs. this is used all over the world.

    didn't you see my big list of IP addresses above.
  12. taurangaNZ

    I can easily assume,
    ams is amsterdam
    lv is las vagas

    but briggs (AU) probably can use either?
  13. taurangaNZ

    I put all ip in my hosts (all are from ps2 official nameserver).. made no difference.. still G9 here.

    you don't think I didn't try that in the first hour 4 weeks ago? of course I did. thats just too obvious.. something else is going on here.
  14. Beastman

    Urgh okay, that worked for 1 login and now im back to not working again. This time everything is resolving correctly through tracert. I'm stumped. If I dial a VPN like in the post in tech support it works, it only started after that fecking 2/10 patch.
  15. Beastman

    Tauranga chill out, just trying to help you out. :p
  16. taurangaNZ

    you chill. you posted the same thing in 3 places.. I saw your original post as soon as you already created it on the stuck screen thread.. its like you got all excited and went on a rampage posting everywhere. lol. and it didn't even work.
  17. taurangaNZ

    yeah its a routing issue... I bounced off another VPN server in lasvagas, and I connected immediately for the first time in Months!
  18. Beastman

    Oh you mean like we said in the other post that I posted in? RAAAAMPAGE.
    I'm done with you dude, good luck getting an actual fix.
  19. taurangaNZ

    I bet SOE added to their latest update something that forces tracert needing to reply on ICMP everywhere...

    but thats a huge FAIL. read this
  20. taurangaNZ

    my last packets before G9 crash is (With 2 success responses on UDP port 20130)

    2:08:22.3886265 a.m. PlanetSide2_x64.exe 1392 UDP Send SPEEDY.Orcon:64494 -> amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com:20130 SUCCESS Length: 15, seqnum: 0, connid: 0

    2:08:22.6793618 a.m. PlanetSide2_x64.exe 1392 UDP Receive SPEEDY.Orcon:64494 -> amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com:20130 SUCCESS Length: 21, seqnum: 0, connid: 0

    2:08:22.6795865 a.m. PlanetSide2_x64.exe 1392 UDP Receive SPEEDY.Orcon:64494 -> amspsn-liv-gw04.planetside2.com:20130 SUCCESS Length: 10, seqnum: 0, connid: 0
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